America's oldest comic book publisher and Licensor. DC Comics is home to the "World's Greatest Super Heroes,” including Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, Green Lantern, The Flash, Aquaman and more...
Publisher profile: DC Comics
Melville House is an independent publisher located in Brooklyn, New York.
Publisher profile: Melville House Publishing
Haymarket Books is a nonprofit, book distributor and publisher, a project of the Center for Economic Research and Social Change.
Publisher profile: Haymarket Books
SAGE is a leading independent, academic and professional publisher of innovative, high-quality content. Known for our commitment to quality and innovation, SAGE has helped inform and educate a global community of scholars, practitioners, researchers, and students across a broad range of subject area
Publisher profile: SAGE Publications Inc
Project Gutenberg offers over 40,000 free ebooks: choose among free epub books, free kindle books, download them or read them online.We carry high quality ebooks: All our ebooks were previously publis
Publisher profile: Project Gutenberg
Trinity Hills Publishing is a recognized global brand and a top player in the world of book publishing.
Publisher profile: Trinity Hills Publishing
MoonQuill is an indie publisher that specializes in ebook, print, and webcomic production.
Publisher profile: MoonQuill
Publishing, at its heart, is a marketplace where we buy and sell ideas. However distressed about our world we may get at times, it’s worth reminding ourselves that we are a society that celebrates elegantly written stories, thought and ideas so highly, we have created an industry around them.
Publisher profile: Lincoln Square Books
Histria Books publishes general interest books, fiction and literature, and children’s books, as well as academic books in broad range of categories with a focus on history. Its imprints include Gaudium, Addison & Highsmith, Histria Kids, Vita Histria, and the Center for Romanian Studies.
Publisher profile: Histria Books
Tuxtails Publishing offers the support of a traditional publishing house with the decision-making power of self-publishing. We work with authors to create well-polished books for readers without taking away the author's voice. We publish fiction and non-fiction in a wide variety of genres.
Publisher profile: Tuxtails Publishing, LLC