TechPress: licensing, international rights, book series specialization and brand building, working with publishing houses in over 110 countries and 50 different languages. TechPress helps determine and implement the best plan for bringing an author’s works to the market, be it licensing the work ...
Publisher profile: TechPress Inc.
In-depth examinations of controversial issues affecting businesses large and small. News, opinion, personnel development, banking, law, environment and business calendar.
Publisher profile: The Delaware Business Ledger
Honolulu weekly newspaper with free distribution in the downtown area.
Publisher profile: Downtown Planet
Weekly print publication focusing on business-related issues. Current week's cover story, calendar of upcoming events, job openings and subscription information provided.
Publisher profile: Hartford Business Journal
Regional newspaper for north central Washington state.
Publisher profile: Okanogan Times
Weekly publication for Latah County. Includes local news, links, and advertising.
Publisher profile: Latah Eagle
The American Institute of Technology and Business Research is a partnership among the groups listed below. The AITBR aims at connecting technology and business computing professionals, researchers, and students to share, study, discuss, and conduct joint research projects. In order to reach all m...
Publisher profile: AITBR: Amer. Inst. of Technology and Business Research
Weekly newspaper of the Diocese of St. Cloud. Selected articles from back issues online.
Publisher profile: St. Cloud Visitor
Mark A. Stephens, Ltd. has been publishing tax services since our inception in 1972...current information at your fingertips when you need
Publisher profile: Mark A. Stephens, Ltd.
The American Association for Education Science Research (ASESR) is a nonprofit professional organization for professors, researcher and scholars who wish to promote and communicate advances in the fields of education science research.
Publisher profile: American Society for Education Science Research