Publisher and packager of high quality illustrated books. We have world rights, film available, and will be selling English and foreign language co-editions. Rights and distribution inquiries are welcome.
Publisher profile: JG Press
Weekly. Covers northern Lincoln County. News, sports, business, entertainment and weather.
Publisher profile: Tea and Harrisburg Champion
Publishes books, audios and DVD's by Eknath Easwaran which offer inspiration and practical instruction for bringing high ideals to life through the practice of meditation. Nilgiri Press has more than a million books in print and 140 foreign editions.
Publisher profile: Nilgiri Press
Monthly news and articles for Greenfield Indiana. Published since 1994, online since August 2007. Large article archive.
Publisher profile: Special Edition
Only Believe Publishing is dedicated to publishing books and other materials that help you overcome unbelief, obtain supernatural healing, and walk in the full power and promise of the Holy Spirit as revealed in the Bible - the complete and unerring Word of our Heavenly father,Yehovah, the Creato...
Publisher profile: Only Believe Publishing, LLC
Includes political commentary, community news and local history.
Publisher profile: Kingston Observer
Packager and publisher of high quality novelty and interactive children's books, combining innovative components with art and text produced to highest standards. Series include Stretchies", "Floaties", ,, "The Amazing Pull-the-Ribbon"Books, "Snug&Hug" Flocked Books and others."
Publisher profile: Smartink Books LLC
Rettore is an international packager, specialising in the creation of innovative and exciting novelty books for preschool children.
Publisher profile: Rettore AS
Weekly newspaper for Woodstock, NY, covering the Catskills and Hudson Valley: the music scene, artists, environment, real estate, classifieds, calendar of events, garden advice, health, fitness and sports.
Publisher profile: Woodstock Times Online
Now celebrating our 15th anniversary, Physicians' Press is dedicated to providing authoritative, innovative, user-friendly references to the medical community.
Publisher profile: Physicians' Press