Original Books was launched in 2001, and titles published include the fictional work "Humans, The Untold Story of Adam and Eve and their Descendants".
Publisher profile: Original Books
Bi-weekly local newspaper. Includes news and local directory.
Publisher profile: Brady Standard-Herald
Weekly news for Livingston and Park County. Offers articles about local history, politics, and artists.
Publisher profile: Livingston Weekly
Published monthly in Toccoa. Provides news that the liberal media will not print.
Publisher profile: The Truth Newspaper
Selected items from a weekly newspaper that provided culturally relevant news about the Black communities throughout East Alabama and West Georgia.
Publisher profile: The People's Voice Weekly News
Singing River Publications publishes the journey narrative". New/first time authors published fiction, non-fiction, history, biography, nature, spirituality, children's books.
Publisher profile: Singing River Publications, Inc.
A newsweekly for New York State.
Publisher profile: The Grand Republican
Local news, including submitted stories.
Publisher profile: The Investigator
Weekly newspaper serving Bosque County from Meridian, Texas. Covers local news, government activity, and local sports and other events.
Publisher profile: Bosque County News
Encante Press, LLC publishes nonfiction books in the following categories: Animals, Environment, Nature, Politics, Science, Travel, Wildlife. Please see our website for submission requirements.
Publisher profile: Encante Press, LLC