Music Publishers' Directory of Turkey

Listing all 5 Music publishers listed in the Turkish publishers directories

Page 1 of 1 of all the publishing companies in the directory of publishers of Turkey that are listed under 'Music Publishers. Remove 'Turkey' filter to see all music publishers' directory. Remove 'Music' filter to see the list of all Turkish publishers

Destek Publishing


One of the largest Publisher in Turkey with many books ranging from novels to cartoons, Destek Publishing distinguishes itself with its swift digitalisation and best selling books. Destek Publishes more than 10 books a month.

Publisher profile: Destek Publishing


Ankara, Turkey

SesleKitap is the first audio book publisher in Turkey. Theres more than 3 hundered audio books in SesleKitap website. All SesleKitap audio books are also downloadible.

Publisher profile: SesleKitap

Morpa Kültür Yayinlari San. ve Tic. Ltd. Sti.

Istanbul, Turkey

Morpa publishes titles in areas such as pre-school education, elementary school, language education (English, German), personal development, music, cook and health. Morpa markets products all over Turkey with its widespread distribution channels. Morpa has started e-learning project for elemantar...

Publisher profile: Morpa Kültür Yayinlari San. ve Tic. Ltd. Sti.

Dergah Yayinlari A.S.

Istanbul, Turkey

Founded 1977 Dergah Publishing Inc. is mainly based on cultural publishing. Encyclopedia of Turkish language and literature (8 vols.), Turkish classics, literary studies, poetry, narratives, novels, educational material, history studies etc.

Publisher profile: Dergah Yayinlari A.S.

Kara Plak Publishing

Istanbul, Turkey

Kara Plak is a boutique publishing house focused on music and music culture.

Publisher profile: Kara Plak Publishing

5 publishers in the the directory of music publishing companies of Turkey
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