Essays Publishers' Directory of Turkey

Listing all 3 Essays publishers listed in the Turkish publishers directories

Page 1 of 1 of all the publishing companies in the directory of publishers of Turkey that are listed under 'Essays Publishers. Remove 'Turkey' filter to see all essays publishers' directory. Remove 'Essays' filter to see the list of all Turkish publishers

Affectum Libris

Istanbul, Turkey

Affectum Libris

Publisher profile: Affectum Libris

Dergah Yayinlari A.S.

Istanbul, Turkey

Founded 1977 Dergah Publishing Inc. is mainly based on cultural publishing. Encyclopedia of Turkish language and literature (8 vols.), Turkish classics, literary studies, poetry, narratives, novels, educational material, history studies etc.

Publisher profile: Dergah Yayinlari A.S.

Kanat Kitap

Istanbul, Turkey

Publisher profile: Kanat Kitap

3 publishers in the the directory of essays publishing companies of Turkey
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