Art Publishers' Directory of Turkey

Listing all 10 Art publishers listed in the Turkish publishers directories

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Destek Publishing


One of the largest Publisher in Turkey with many books ranging from novels to cartoons, Destek Publishing distinguishes itself with its swift digitalisation and best selling books. Destek Publishes more than 10 books a month.

Publisher profile: Destek Publishing

Agora Kitapligi Basim Yayim Ltd. Sti.

Istanbul, Turkey

Agora Books is an independent progressive/leftist publishing house, which is at the same instance the publisher of New Left Review besides many other authors such as Arundhati Roy, Tariq Ali, Noam Chomsky, Donna Haraway, Eric J. Hobsbawm, Robert Fisk, Fidel Castro, Mike Davis, John Berger, Jorge ...

Publisher profile: Agora Kitapligi Basim Yayim Ltd. Sti.

Istanbul Culture & Arts Co

Istanbul, Turkey

A public company on culture, publishing and arts.

Publisher profile: Istanbul Culture & Arts Co

Hizmet Vakfi Yayinlari

Istanbul, Turkey

Our job is publishing with exclusive genre typed artcalligraf for Holly Qur'an.

Publisher profile: Hizmet Vakfi Yayinlari

Plan B Publishing

Istanbul, Turkey

Founded in 2002 as an alternative to the traditional stricture of Turkish publishing. It forces the limits of publishing and integrates the books it published with events like international exhibitions, parties and happenings. The company has been publishing Turkish Book Review, the first English...

Publisher profile: Plan B Publishing

Iz Yayincilik

Istanbul, Turkey

Since 1990, IZ Publishing has contributed to the Turkish intellectual life with its books near 600 concerning theology, philosophy,sociology, literature, sufism, art and science. It has brought the classical Islamic heritage to the daylight.

Publisher profile: Iz Yayincilik

Kubbealti Akademisi Kultur ve Sanat Vakfi

Istanbul, Turkey

For more than 30 years Kubbealti Academy Culture and Art Foundation has published more than two hundred books of culture and art, has helped to train many people who today are successful in a variety of occupations such as academicians, etc.

Publisher profile: Kubbealti Akademisi Kultur ve Sanat Vakfi

Kara Plak Publishing

Istanbul, Turkey

Kara Plak is a boutique publishing house focused on music and music culture.

Publisher profile: Kara Plak Publishing

Milli Egitim Baskanligi Yayimlar Dairesi Baskanligi

Ankara, Turkey

Masterpieces of Turkish education, culture, art and literature are published by Ministery of Education and sold through Turkish publishing houses. Moreover, books of foreign authors are translated into Turkish language.

Publisher profile: Milli Egitim Baskanligi Yayimlar Dairesi Baskanligi

10 publishers in the the directory of art publishing companies of Turkey
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