Translation Services Companies of Switzerland

Listing all 2 Swiss translation services companies

Page 1 of 1 of all the Swiss companies offering translation services to authors and publishers listed in the directory of translation services companies of Switzerland. Remove the country filter to see the list of all companies offering translation services to authors and publishers


Bern, Switzerland

WORTGESTALTUNG2020 is a Swiss-based artist agency representing non-fiction, fiction authors and musicians internationally

Profile of: WORTGESTALTUNG2020, Bern, Switzerland
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Les Editions Noir sur Blanc

Lausanne, Switzerland

In French: acurate translations of novels, short stories, plays, non-fiction, from Russia, Poland and other Eastern Europe countries. Travel & voyages. In Polish: world and polish litterature.

Profile of: Les Editions Noir sur Blanc, Lausanne, Switzerland
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2 suppliers listed under 'Translation services companies of Switzerland'
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