Publishing Services Companies of Switzerland

Listing 1 to 10 of 51 Swiss Publishing Service Companies

Page 1 of 6 of all the publishing services companies listed in the Swiss directory of services

Mohrbooks AG Literary Agency

Zurich, Switzerland

Mohrbooks is the oldest literary agency in the German speaking territory. Since the 1930s it represents German language publishing rights.

Profile of: Mohrbooks AG Literary Agency, Zurich, Switzerland

Ibby - International Board On Books For Young People

Basel, Switzerland

The International Board on Books for Young People (IBBY) is a non-profit organization which represents an international network of people from all over the world who are committed to bringing books and children together. to stimulate research and scholarly works in the field of children's li...

Profile of: Ibby - International Board On Books For Young People, Basel, Switzerland

Europäische Verlagsgesellschaften

Zug, Switzerland

At the latest when selling the e-book or printing, authors need a strong partner at their side. But not everyone wants to take care of editing, book typesetting, cover layout, marketing and PR themselves. The services of the European publishing companies are there for this...

Profile of: Europäische Verlagsgesellschaften, Zug, Switzerland

Paul & Peter Fritz AG, Literary Agency

Zurich, Switzerland

The Fritz Agency is a full service literary agency for authors writing in German.

Profile of: Paul & Peter Fritz AG, Literary Agency, Zurich, Switzerland

Liepman AG

Zürich, Switzerland

The Liepman Literary Agency, founded in 1949, represents American, British, Canadian, French and Israeli publishers and agents for German language publication rights as well as international authors for world rights.

Profile of: Liepman AG, Zürich, Switzerland

Scientific KnowledgeServices AG

Zug, Switzerland

We are focusing on each publisher we represent, giving confidence that our sales efforts do not dissolve between many interests. Our customers are public libraries, academic and research libraries and corporations.

Profile of: Scientific KnowledgeServices AG, Zug, Switzerland

Pro Helvetia Schweizer Kulturstiftung

Zürich, Switzerland

Pro Helvetia gibt Publikationen zur Kultur in der Schweiz in mehreren Sprachen heraus.

Profile of: Pro Helvetia Schweizer Kulturstiftung, Zürich, Switzerland


Bern, Switzerland

WORTGESTALTUNG2020 is a Swiss-based artist agency representing non-fiction, fiction authors and musicians internationally

Profile of: WORTGESTALTUNG2020, Bern, Switzerland

Bundesamt für Kultur Die schönsten Schweizer Bücher

Bern, Switzerland

Präsentation der schönsten Schweizer Bücher" sowie weiterer vom Bundesamt für Kultur herausgegebenen Publikationen.

Profile of: Bundesamt für Kultur Die schönsten Schweizer Bücher, Bern, Switzerland

Homöosana SHI Homöopathie AG

Zug, Switzerland

Gemeinschaftspräsentation einzelner Titel aus Klein-und Selbstverlagen.

Profile of: Homöosana SHI Homöopathie AG, Zug, Switzerland

51 publishing companies in the directory of Swiss suppliers

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