ABC Books is committed to publishing the stories that matter to Australians, with more than 100 new titles released each year in both print and digital editions. ABC Books publishes in partnership with HarperCollins Publishers Australia and is dedicated to fostering and developing Australia�...
Publisher profile: Abc Books
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Bilder-, Kinder- und Jugendbücher zu philosophischen, religiösen und ethischen Themen. Autoren unter anderem: Christian Nürnberger, Alois Prinz, Erwin Grosche, Rainer Oberthür, Roland Kachler, Ursel Scheffler, Martina Baumbach, Christine Biernath, Tanja Jeschke.
Publisher profile: Gabriel Verlag
List of other Young adult publishers in Germany
For almost forty years, Tundra Books has been publishing fine books for children and young adults. From picture books to young adult novels and works of non-fiction, our books are characterized by the highest standards in art, text and production.
Publisher profile: Tundra Books
List of other Young adult publishers in Canada
Building Voices ® is an independent publishing company that specializes in Children's Fiction and Non-Fiction resources for home and school. Our mission is to build soft voices into outspoken leaders.
Publisher profile: Building Voices
List of other Young adult publishers in United States
Grove Creek Publishing, LLC was founded to open a door into publishing for indie authors. Our publishing house specializes in Young Adult literature free of graphic and vulgar content.
Publisher profile: Grove Creek Publishing
List of other Young adult publishers in United States
Forma Books Agency represents: Damm Bokförlag, Ica Bokförlag and B. Wahlströms Bokförlag. Non-fiction for children, young adults and adults. Fiction for children and young adults.
Publisher profile: Forma Books Agency
List of other Young adult publishers in Sweden
We strive to publish works that uplift and inspire, encouraging the reader to explore and discover while remaining morally grounded.
Publisher profile: Dancing Lmeur Press, L.L.C.
List of other Young adult publishers in United States
Ponytale Books is an independent children and young adult's publisher
Publisher profile: Ponytale Books
List of other Young adult publishers in India
Atlantis publishes high quality books for kids and young adults as well as educational guides for parents and professionals.
Publisher profile: Atlantis Im Orell Füssli Verlag
List of other Young adult publishers in Switzerland
Silverland Press grew from the desire to encourage and celebrate writers and the commitment to publish fiction that challenges readers’ perspectives and tells a gripping story. We publish children's and young adult stories in many different genres.
Publisher profile: Silverland Press