Our mission, our vision, our goal ...
Our trademark is not just a logo - the Dancing Lemur represents optimism, enthusiasm and belief. We strive to publish works that uplift and inspire, encouraging the reader to explore and discover while remaining morally grounded. At the heart of our science fiction, New Adult/YA, and fantasy lies positive relationship dynamics, optimistic attitudes and non-salacious material. Our non-fiction offers insightful information, uplifting ideas and real-life opportunities. Our goal is to provide hope for the reader's dreams and aspirations.
Share the vision and come dance with us!
Dancing Lmeur Press, L.L.C. publishes E-Books and Books on these subjects: Young Adult, Self-Help, Science Fiction, Romance, Relationship, Mystery, Inspirational, and General Fiction in these languages: English
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Sales: For premium subscribers only
P.O. Box 383
North Carolina
United States
Phone number(s):
No number on record
Dancing Lmeur Press, L.L.C., Pikeville, North Carolina, United States is just one of over 20,000 publishing company profiles in our database.
Dancing Lmeur Press, L.L.C. is listed in the directory of publishers of United States. You can find more such publishers from United States here:
By subject: Young Adult publishers in United States, Self-Help publishers in United States, Science Fiction publishers in United States, and Romance publishers in United States
By media: E-Book publishers in United States and Book publishers in United States
By language: English language publishers of United States
By city: Pikeville, North Carolina
Some of the other prominent cities in United States for which we have publishers in our database include: New York, Chicago, and Washington
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