Games Publishers' Directory

Listing 1 to 10 of 78 Games publishing companies

Page 1 of 8 of all the publishing houses listed in the directory of games publishers. To view a list of games publishing companies by country please select a country.

W.W. Norton and Company

New York City, United States

Publishers of general interest books, college textbooks and professional materials, based in New York City.

Publisher profile: W.W. Norton and Company
List of other Games publishers in United States


We publish bilingual books (french/english) on the latest in immersive arts around the world.

Publisher profile: Immersive.Paris

Kenzer and Company

Home of the Knights of the Dinner Table comic book on the subject of games and gamers.

Publisher profile: Kenzer and Company


The agency specializes in: Children's fiction and non-fiction, albums, board books, religion, games and crafts.

Publisher profile: Webscriptions

Egmont Polska sp. z o.o.

Warsaw, Poland

Egmont encompasses magazines, comics, books, film, TV-programmes, textbooks, games and electronic entertainment. Egmont has activities in 21 countries, and 3,600 dedicated employees reached revenues of EUR 1,173 million in 2005.

Publisher profile: Egmont Polska sp. z o.o.
List of other Games publishers in Poland


Aarhus, Denmark

DreamLitt udgiver primært krimier, fantasy og anden skønlitteratur. Fælles for alle udgivelser er passionen for den gode fortælling og den spændende historie, som bliver hos læseren, efter bogen er læst færdig.

Publisher profile: DreamLitt
List of other Games publishers in Denmark

18.02 publishing

Duiven, Netherlands

18.02 publishes beautiful ideas like books, (card)games, postcards and all other products that are possible to publish

Publisher profile: 18.02 publishing
List of other Games publishers in Netherlands

Prabhat Prakashan Private Limited

New Delhi, India

Prabhat Prakashan, an ISO 9001:2015 certified company, is one of the leading publishing houses in India. We have a glorious history of sixty years of publishing quality books on almost all streams.

Publisher profile: Prabhat Prakashan Private Limited
List of other Games publishers in India

Editions Play Bac

Paris, France

Publisher and packager of books for International markets. Specialising in children's books from 1 to 12 years old: non-fiction, activity books with unique formats, board and picture books. Creators of games and stationery for children and adults.

Publisher profile: Editions Play Bac
List of other Games publishers in France

78 publishers in the the directory of games publishing companies

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