La Renaissance du Livre is a space where texts and images intertwine, where heritage and the art of living, fine art and illustrated literature, the matic guides and reference works allow us to travel, discover and explore the world.
Publisher profile: La Renaissance du Livre
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Leiden University Press is the publisher of the finest scholarly books with a focus on (Leiden Excellent Research) Humanities, South Asia, history, languages,culture, archeology, law & development. Leiden University Pressalso publishes e-journals, text books and trade academic books.
Publisher profile: Leiden University Press
List of other Text publishers in Netherlands
For almost forty years, Tundra Books has been publishing fine books for children and young adults. From picture books to young adult novels and works of non-fiction, our books are characterized by the highest standards in art, text and production.
Publisher profile: Tundra Books
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Topipittori is four years old, and has published its first ten books (and more are coming). Topipittori produces picture books, with high quality texts and illustrations.
Publisher profile: Topipittori
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Portfolio Display specialises in banner printing for promotional displays and events. Professional in-house design and printing service with a fast turnaround.
Publisher profile: Portfolio Display
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Publishing international texts on a wide range of legal subjects.
Publisher profile: Oceana Publications
NICOTEXT is a design group that harvests fresh ideas in the areas of humor, culture and entertainment around the globe. With the goal of creating new and innovative book projects, the company creates happy books for happy people!.
Publisher profile: Nicotext
List of other Text publishers in United States
Texts and Readings in Mathematics series (20 titles).
Publisher profile: Hindustan Books Agency
Independent publisher of ebooks and print books for new and seasoned authors.
Publisher profile: Six Degrees Publishing Group
The Scottish Text Society is a major publisher of important texts from Scotland's literary history. The Society's editions are both scholarly and accessible.
Publisher profile: Scottish Text Society