Publisher of Textbooks for Primary and Secondary schools
Publisher profile: Royards Publishing Company Ltd
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Publishing House situated in walled city of Delhi since 1948,achieving a remarkable positon in Indian publishing Industry We excel in publishing Quality Text Books in Commerce for Senior Secondary,graduation and Post graduation
Publisher profile: Shree Mahavir Book Depot(Publisher)
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Based in St. Davids, Pembrokeshire, this new vigorous publishing company first created the JimJazz mouse title, introducing musical instruments and colours to primary school children. Now their very successful Eco-Aware series highlights the destruction of the earth's natural resources through li...
Publisher profile: Seasquirt Books Sales & Marketing
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Texts and studies in the Christian monastic tradition.
Publisher profile: Cistercian Publications
Texts and journals, specializing in (but not limited to) medical, nursing, allied health, computer software, anthropology and K-12 educational materials.
Publisher profile: Charm Write E-Book Publishing
Founded in 1995, Bookman India is a prominent and widely renowned publishing house of children educational books in India successfully entering in its golden era. With each passing year, we have achieved new milestones and have now been positioned as pioneers in terms of techno-managerial acumen ...
Publisher profile: Bookman India
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Clinical Publishing is the medical imprint of Atlas Medical Publishing Ltd. of Oxford and Barcelona. We publish medical colour atlases, ,,Therapeutic Strategies and ,,Problem Solving "series, reference texts for doctors worldwide.
Publisher profile: Clinical Publishing
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Drawing and desktop publishing package. The program combines powerful vector graphics drawing with a range of text handling functions. Features include automatic page numbering, master pages, and font and paragraph styles. Runs on Win 3.x/95/NT.
Publisher profile: imPRESSion Lite
A leading publisher in China, specializing in architecture, interior, graphic design books etc., exporting books to over thirty countries. The text of our books is English or English and Chninese bilingual.
Publisher profile: Liaoning Science & Technology Publishing House Co.,Ltd
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Information about this peer reviewed journal. Includes the complete full text of past and current issues.
Publisher profile: American Society for Artificial Internal Organs Journal