About the Journal: <br />JMS focuses on detection of problems in Management and Science with innovatively and effectively using different theory and methods to resolve these problems, establishing a new theory and method through cooperative efforts facing the new issues in management and science....
Publisher profile: Journal of Mangement and Science
List of other Technology publishers in India
The publication includes theoretical and experimental results or research in engineering and technology.
Publisher profile: International Engineering Journal Society
List of other Technology publishers in Canada
Publishing company producing magazines, books and information technology reports. Also offering a range of services including design and production, marketing, subscription and circulation services, and more.
Publisher profile: Lionheart Publishing, Inc.
Publishers of books and journals on materials science, physics, chemistry and engineering.
Publisher profile: Cambridge International Science Publishing
List of other Technology publishers in United Kingdom
Established in 1991, Sigma Publishing House is active on the education book market and offers textbooks and auxiliary materials necessary to the educational process for various fields: mathematics, IT, Romanian language and literature, foreign languages, social sciences, economy, physics, chemist...
Publisher profile: Sigma Publishing House
List of other Technology publishers in Romania
Information technology and reference publishing.
Publisher profile: Moschovitis Group
Publishers and distributors of College and University Textbooks Monographs and Reference books in Science, Engineering and Medicine.
Publisher profile: Alpha Science International Ltd.
List of other Technology publishers in United Kingdom
The Center for Educational Technology (CET) is a non-profit organization, focused on development of innovative educational products with integrated educational technology. CET is the leading content producer for education in Israel, developing both printed and digital contents.
Publisher profile: Center for Educational Technology (CET)
List of other Technology publishers in Israel
Business and consumer magazine publisher for the Middle East, including technology and communications titles.
Publisher profile: Seth Maislin
Online B2B publications covering a wide spectrum of industries and sectors. Maxiom can design and develop a high quality online publication to suit any business or industry. Maxiom's services cover all your online marketing needs from concept design, branding, web design, marketing, advertising o...
Publisher profile: Maxiom Group
List of other Technology publishers in Australia