Publisher of books, journals and cases relating to information technology management, education and science.
Publisher profile: Idea Group Publishing
Black Chicken Publications is now accepting manuscripts for eBook conversion and sale on their online book shop from independent authors.
Publisher profile: Black Chicken Publications
List of other Technology publishers in Australia
Publisher of personal computer magazines and online digital guides
Publisher profile: Magnesium Media
List of other Technology publishers in United Kingdom
Publisher of computer and technology books in Canada.
Publisher profile: Pearson Technology Group Canada
Publishes magazines and professional resource books for K-12, library media and technology specialists.
Publisher profile: Linworth Publishing Inc. - The Premier CAR MAGAZINE ONLINE in Hong Kong
Publisher profile: Automedia Asia Limited
List of other Technology publishers in Hong Kong
Established in 1989, the company publishes books on materials science and engineering, food science, technology and nutrition, textile technology, environmental technology, finance, commodities and investment.
Publisher profile: Woodhead Publishing Limited
List of other Technology publishers in United Kingdom
Uses print on demand technology to publish books. YBK otherwise traditionally designs, edits, typesets, and publishes books for sale in bookstores and online.On demand
Publisher profile: YBK Publishers
Established in 2006, Aktive Learning is a knowledge provider and publisher of general interest non-fiction. We provide useful information in a compact and engaging format to help people solve problems and improve their lives. We invest in producing and marketing quality publications.
Publisher profile: Aktive Learning
List of other Technology publishers in Singapore
Design, Print and Distribution.
Publisher profile: AdMag Publishing Pte Ltd
List of other Technology publishers in Singapore