English Teaching Resources, Graded Readings, Library Supplies
Publisher profile: Academic & Professional Book Centre
List of other Teaching publishers in Hong Kong
Building Voices ® is an independent publishing company that specializes in Children's Fiction and Non-Fiction resources for home and school. Our mission is to build soft voices into outspoken leaders.
Publisher profile: Building Voices
List of other Teaching publishers in United States
Publisher and conference provider. Magazines, revision guides, photocopiable teaching packs and conference places available to order, or book, online.
Publisher profile: Philip Allan Updates
About the Journal: <br />JMS focuses on detection of problems in Management and Science with innovatively and effectively using different theory and methods to resolve these problems, establishing a new theory and method through cooperative efforts facing the new issues in management and science....
Publisher profile: Journal of Mangement and Science
List of other Teaching publishers in India
Independent publisher of ebooks and print books for new and seasoned authors.
Publisher profile: Six Degrees Publishing Group
French publisher specialized in foreign languages teaching books for pupils in middle school, student at university or teachers. English literature, French language study, old languages, research in linguistics, history, geography, sociology, history of art. Ophrys also distributes dictionaries i...
Publisher profile: Editions Ophrys
List of other Teaching publishers in France
It's the earliest and biggest national press in Chinese architectural industry. CABP devoted itself to the publicity of academic books, practical books, teaching materials, standards and norms and CDs on architecture, urban and rural planning, etc.
Publisher profile: China Architecture & Building Press
List of other Teaching publishers in China
Multilanguage publisher specializing in technical/scientific books, also publishing other genres: fiction (SF, young adult, romance, satiric, historical), non-fiction (essays, how-to, guides).
Publisher profile: Infarom
List of other Teaching publishers in Romania
Sinolingua, a member of the China International Publishing Group (CIPG), was founded in 1986. It is China’s first publisher specializing in Chinese-language teaching and learning materials for foreigners, and is a prestigious brand in this field. Sinolingua mainly publishes books, audio-video pro...
Publisher profile: Sinolingua Press China
List of other Teaching publishers in China
Collection based on university material mainly from the human sciences. Made for professionals and students in higher education. We offer original colloquium acts and syntheses of revues on recent developments in economical teaching aids.
Publisher profile: Academia-Bruylant
List of other Teaching publishers in Belgium