Publisher of The Montreal Review Magazine
Publisher profile: T.S.Tsonchev Publishing & Design
List of other Poetry publishers in Canada
Cyberwit is for poets who want to publish their poetry. Our published Anthologies and Journal Taj Mahal Review have poems that are sensuous, picturesque and impassioned. The poems reveal a fine combination of human elements of romance and the mystic & everyday realities. Cyberwit has published a ...
Publisher profile: Cyberwit
List of other Poetry publishers in India
Czarne Publisher, a small independent publishing house established in 1996, specializes in contemporary Polish prose and poetry (authors: Stasiuk, Varga, Grynberg, Odija) as well as in Central European literature.
Publisher profile: Czarne Publishing House
List of other Poetry publishers in Poland
French publisher based in Bretagne (Brittany), in the island Groix.
Publisher profile: Groix Editions Diffusion
New and established voices in Canadian poetry. Features author news, submission guidelines, ordering information.
Publisher profile: Brick Books
Publishes poetry titles by Irish and international poets, including Adrienne Rich, Richard Tillinghast, Mary O'Malley, R.T. Smith, and Marvin Bell. Includes information on titles.
Publisher profile: Salmon Publishing
Art, local history, archaeology, poetry, religions, folk traditions, essays on psychology, sociology, science, anthropology, handbooks, sport, cookery, fiction.
Publisher profile: Newton Compton Editori Srl
List of other Poetry publishers in Italy
Offers a yearly fiction and poetry prize to new and established writers. Includes order information, guidelines.
Publisher profile: Sarabande Books
A quarterly quality haiku magazine published both online and in printed annuals, with submissions by e-mail or post. Edited by Christopher Herold, with associate editors Ferris Gilli, Robert Gilliland, Peggy Willis Lyles, and Paul MacNeil. Paul David Mena, webmaster.
Publisher profile: The Heron's Nest: a Haikai Journal
UK based children's fiction and non-fiction publisher
Publisher profile: BookLife Publishing Ltd.