Novel Publishers' Directory

Listing 61 to 70 of 173 Novel publishing companies

Page 7 of 18 of all the publishing houses listed in the directory of novel publishers. To view a list of novel publishing companies by country please select a country.

Zeus Publications

Mermaid Waters, Australia

Book publisher in all genres and secure on line shopping

Publisher profile: Zeus Publications
List of other Novel publishers in Australia

Grup 62

Barcelona, Spain

Grup 62, with a total of 18 publishing imprints, covers the full range of literary genres and all types of publishing. It publishes Catalan and Spanish authors and translations of the works of foreign writers. It has a specific division for children’s and juvenile books.

Publisher profile: Grup 62
List of other Novel publishers in Spain

Quaker Science Fiction

List of science fiction novels with Quaker characters or references.

Publisher profile: Quaker Science Fiction

Editions Sarbacane

Paris, France

Publisher of high quality and creative books for children. Publications include board books, picture books, activity and non-fiction, illustrated books. New lines of comics for children and adults and a novel collection for young adults.

Publisher profile: Editions Sarbacane
List of other Novel publishers in France

Editions Thierry Magnier

Paris, France

Specialized in children's books: picture books as well as novels for young adults.

Publisher profile: Editions Thierry Magnier
List of other Novel publishers in France

Les Impressions Nouvelles

Bruxelles, Belgium

Créées en 1985, les Impressions Nouvelles ont publié plus de 150 livres dont certains sont devenus des classiques. Elles publient depuis 2002 une vingtaine de livres par an, mélangeant fictions, essais et romans graphiques.

Publisher profile: Les Impressions Nouvelles
List of other Novel publishers in Belgium


Sovremenost is the oldest Macedonian magazine for literature, culture and art, and thus, one of the oldest publishers in the country.“Sovremenost” has a rich publishing history that incorporates a wide variety of books from both domestic and foreign authors.

Publisher profile: Sovremenost

Ivan Stories

Kanniyakumari, India

At Ivan Stories, we are dedicated to fostering a vibrant community of storytellers and readers alike.

Publisher profile: Ivan Stories
List of other Novel publishers in India

Wicked Ink Publishing Ltd.

Calgary, Canada

We are an independent publishing house, publishing fiction in multiple genres featuring shocking twists and turns throughout, keeping the reader on edge. Currently, we are open to submissions. We are very selective and only sign on a few authors per year.

Publisher profile: Wicked Ink Publishing Ltd.
List of other Novel publishers in Canada

Sentient Publications

Boulder, United States

Publisher profile: Sentient Publications
List of other Novel publishers in United States

173 publishers in the the directory of novel publishing companies

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