Philosophie, psychologie, sociologie, sciences politiques, arts et sciences, enseignement, éducation, beaux-arts, littérature, livres pour la jeunesse.
Publisher profile: Éditions Hurtubise
List of other Movie publishers in Canada
Mirror Mirror Magazine is a print publication geared toward providing exposure and recognition to emerging talent in the arts and entertainment industry.
Publisher profile: Mirror Mirror Magazine
List of other Movie publishers in United States
Memoirs Books lead the way in publishing in the UK by helping authors develop and publish high-quality, saleable autobiography books. We offer exceptional editing, design, printing, publishing, distribution and book marketing services. The process starts with a free assessment of your manuscript.
Publisher profile: Memoirs Books Autobiography Publishers
List of other Movie publishers in United Kingdom
Publishing company of Jeannette Clift George, star of the movie "The Hiding Place."
Publisher profile: Manor of Grace
Design, Print and Distribution.
Publisher profile: AdMag Publishing Pte Ltd
List of other Movie publishers in Singapore
Publishers of travel magazines and producer of travel movies all aimed at group travel organisers.
Publisher profile: Group Travel Media
List of other Movie publishers in United Kingdom
Independent publisher of ebooks and print books for new and seasoned authors.
Publisher profile: Six Degrees Publishing Group
Books published by mediane are focussed on the Italian Cinema and culture, but also board books about music and actors. Absolutely unique is the photocult label, dedicated to culture and travel.
Publisher profile: Mediane S.r.l.
List of other Movie publishers in Italy
Publishing books in English, Tamil and other Indian languages. Offering publishing services (content development, translation, DTP, E-publishing) in all major international / national langauges. Seeking partnership in both books rights, distributing, selling and service business.
Publisher profile: Aazhi Publihsers
List of other Movie publishers in India
Es gibt sie, aber sie sind selten und schwer zu finden: Filme, die Sie tief berühren und bewegen, die Ihre Wahrnehmung erweitern und ein ganzheitliches Denken fürdern-spirituelle Filmkunst, Reportagen neuen Handelns order uralter Bräuche, Portraits.
Publisher profile: Tao Cinemathek GmbH
List of other Movie publishers in Germany