Hyperion, founded in 1991, publishes general-interest fiction and non-fiction hardcover, trade, and mass-market paperback books for adults and includes the Voice, ABC Daytime Press, Hyperion East, and Miramax imprints. Hyperion is the adult trade book publishing unit of ABC, Inc.
Publisher profile: Hyperion A Unit of ABC, Inc. A Division of The Walt Disney Company
Histria Books publishes general interest books, fiction and literature, and children’s books, as well as academic books in broad range of categories with a focus on history. Its imprints include Gaudium, Addison & Highsmith, Histria Kids, Vita Histria, and the Center for Romanian Studies.
Publisher profile: Histria Books
Mirror Mirror Magazine is a print publication geared toward providing exposure and recognition to emerging talent in the arts and entertainment industry.
Publisher profile: Mirror Mirror Magazine
Publisher of trade hardcover and paperbacks in the areas of film, parenting, childcare, self-help and fiction. Agent/ Packagers of movie tie-ins, novelizations and ,,making of`` books.
Publisher profile: Newmarket Press
What A word Publishing Company provides superior and affordable publishing for first time and established authors as well as publicity and marketing services. Based in the U.S.A. we offer services primarily in English. We provide national and international press releases to promote your organizti...
Publisher profile: What A Word Publishing and Mdia Group
Disney publishes books based on Disney characters, movies and television properties.
Publisher profile: Disney Publishing Worldwide