Medical Publishers' Directory

Listing 121 to 130 of 216 Medical publishing companies

Page 13 of 22 of all the publishing houses listed in the directory of medical publishers. To view a list of medical publishing companies by country please select a country.

Piccin Nuova Libraria s.p.a.

Padova, Italy

Medical and scientific professional and university texts in Italian, English and French. Literary university texts in Italian.

Publisher profile: Piccin Nuova Libraria s.p.a.
List of other Medical publishers in Italy

C. G. Edizioni Medico Scientifiche

Torino, Italy

Italian publisher experts on health care, medicine, ethics and medical code of ethics, rights to health (books, journals, electronic and multimedia publishing).

Publisher profile: C. G. Edizioni Medico Scientifiche
List of other Medical publishers in Italy

TFM Publishing Ltd.

Harley Shrewsbury, United Kingdom

TFM Publishing is an independent publishing company focused on specialist medical and surgical titles. With a growing list of over 60 titles, the company is seeking to develop international contacts and rights sales.

Publisher profile: TFM Publishing Ltd.
List of other Medical publishers in United Kingdom

Innovative Publication

Delhi, India

We are very pleased to invite you to submit manuscripts of your original paper, for possible publication in our international journals on Engineering (covering all fields), Agriculture & Biotechnology, Computer Science & IT, Electric & Electronics, Finance and Management, Environmental & Earth Scien

Publisher profile: Innovative Publication
List of other Medical publishers in India

Divine Books

Delhi, India

Publishers of Indological and Oriental Books,since 1976

Publisher profile: Divine Books
List of other Medical publishers in India

Amyris Edition

Bruxelles, Belgium

Specialisé en médecines alternatives comme aromathérapie, gemmothérapie, phyhtothérapie, apithérapie, etc. et en nutrition.

Publisher profile: Amyris Edition
List of other Medical publishers in Belgium

Journal of Korean Medical Science

International, peer-reviewed, general medical journal published in English bimonthly by the Korean Academy of Medical Sciences. Aims at publishing evidence-based, scientifically written articles from different disciplines of medical sciences.

Publisher profile: Journal of Korean Medical Science

IMI Irish Medical Information

Naas, Ireland

Print and digital publishers publishing the latest highlights from international conferences. Liscence material to other countries

Publisher profile: IMI Irish Medical Information
List of other Medical publishers in Ireland

American Medical Association

Chicago, United States

American Medical Association books encompass physician statistics, medical education, clinical reference, medical ethics, practice management and more showcasing the AMA's expertise, authority, and scope.

Publisher profile: American Medical Association
List of other Medical publishers in United States

Eurospan Medical

London, United Kingdom

Eurospan Medical provides sales, marketing and distribution services to such respected publishers as Slack Inc, AAP, AAOS, ADA, AAO, AMA and WebMD Inc.

Publisher profile: Eurospan Medical
List of other Medical publishers in United Kingdom

216 publishers in the the directory of medical publishing companies

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