Panacea Ediciones es una editorial independiente que nació en 2009. Edita principalmente poesía contemporánea.
Publisher profile: Panacea Ediciones
List of other Literature publishers in Argentina
Internationale Belletristik von homosexuellen Autoren, Comics von Ralf König, Chronik der Schwulen, sozialwissenschaftliche und germanistische Sachbücher, Ratgeber zu SM und Bondage.
Publisher profile: Männerschwarm Verlag
List of other Literature publishers in Germany
Plus One Press is a small, independent publisher, representing an alternative approach to the current mainstream publishing model. We strive to be an author-centric house, where our responsibilities are to our authors and their works, rather than necessarily to some product-centric vision of maxi...
Publisher profile: Plus One Press
List of other Literature publishers in United States
Focus Publishers Limited is a fast growing and dynamic Kenyan publishing firm with a vast range of book titles written by some of the best authors, both African and non-African. Focus Publishers' titles include creative African national and international award winning children and adult titles, s...
Publisher profile: Focus Publishers Ltd.
List of other Literature publishers in Kenya
Nite-Writer's International Literary Arts Journal is dedicated to the "emotional intellectual with a creative perception of life."We are open to beginners as well as professionals. *"...the difference between a professional writer and an amateur lies not in the writing profession's external trapp...
Publisher profile: Nite-Writers International Literary Arts Journal
List of other Literature publishers in United States
Obrador Endedum is a craftsmanship company that publishes classical texts and modern monographs which refer to the scientific and humanistic culture. Its editon range is philosophical and theological essay, scientific thought and literature based on religious ideas and rational beliefs.
Publisher profile: Obrador Edèndum
List of other Literature publishers in Spain
East African Educational Publishers Ltd is one of the largest Publishing Houses in Africa. Based in Nairobi, Kenya, we publish Creative Works, Theory and Criticism of African Literature and other Literary Texts. We publish Children's Stories in English, Kiswahili and other African Languages. We a...
Publisher profile: East African Educational Publishers
List of other Literature publishers in Kenya
Samtoh was established in 1970 with the objective of searching for “the Happiness of the Common People” through the dissemination of magazine Samtoh, high-quality books. As well as publishing, we administer a Theater playing for children, Gallery and Annual Awards on literature and benevolent act...
Publisher profile: Samtoh
List of other Literature publishers in South Korea
The Siren Press is an independent publisher based in London, specialising in quirky, intelligent fiction and art publications.Founded in 2013, the press intends to grow its output to include writing from a variety of niche genres, including unusual novels and contemporary short stories.
Publisher profile: The Siren Press
List of other Literature publishers in United Kingdom
Castellnou Edicions publishes text books and literature for children aged 3-18. Their aim is to contribute to the complete education of young people while promoting values such as respect, tolerance, justice and honesty.
Publisher profile: Castellnou Edicions - Hermes Editora General, S.A.U.
List of other Literature publishers in Spain