Schweizer Literatur, Reiseliteratur, Sachbücher zu Politik und Gesellschaft. Arabische Literatur, Taschenbücher.
Publisher profile: Lenos Verlag
List of other Literature publishers in Switzerland
We are one of the UK's first digital-only E-book and POD publishers. We feature exciting new authors alongside rights-reverted/new titles by established bestselling authors. Commercial Women's Fiction, Pets -Cats, Trivia, Travel France, Travel London, Children's, E-publishing Tutorial, House & Ho
Publisher profile: Blackbird Digital Books
LED Edizioni Universitarie is an academic publisher in the Social sciences and Humanities. Born in 1991, LED has achieved a high standard of specialization in university research publications and textbooks.
Publisher profile: LED Edizioni Universitarie Srl
List of other Literature publishers in Italy
Publisher profile: Dar Al Kitab Al Alami
List of other Literature publishers in Lebanon
Philosophie, psychologie, sociologie, sciences politiques, arts et sciences, enseignement, éducation, beaux-arts, littérature, livres pour la jeunesse.
Publisher profile: Éditions Hurtubise
List of other Literature publishers in Canada
La Compagnie Arabe des Editeurs Unis, l’Edition Med Ali, est une maison d’édition indépendante généraliste fondée en 1983
Publisher profile: Edition Mohamed Ali
List of other Literature publishers in Tunisia
Memoirs Books lead the way in publishing in the UK by helping authors develop and publish high-quality, saleable autobiography books. We offer exceptional editing, design, printing, publishing, distribution and book marketing services. The process starts with a free assessment of your manuscript.
Publisher profile: Memoirs Books Autobiography Publishers
List of other Literature publishers in United Kingdom
Faksimile-Ausgaben, Kunst-und Wissenschaftsgeschichte, Buch-und Bibliothekswesen, Kataloge, Archäologie, Mittelalter, Orientalistik, Sprachwissenschaft, Sprachlehrbücher, Musikwissenschaft.
Publisher profile: Dr. Ludwig Reichert Verlag
List of other Literature publishers in Germany
LLC is a non-governmental organisation established to ensure international recognition of and access to Latvian fiction, poetry, children's literature etc., supports the translation of Latvian literature in foreign languages and its publications abroad.
Publisher profile: Latvia Lettland
List of other Literature publishers in Latvia
We are a small, alternative book publishing venture located in Goa, India, a historic former Portuguese colony and currently the smallest State (province) in India. The company’s name memorialises the date when the first printing press in Asia came into operation in Goa.
Publisher profile: Goa,1556
List of other Literature publishers in India