
Publishing company profile: Goa,1556, Goa, Goa, India

Goa,1556 was founded by journalist Frederick Noronha. The name was inspired by the accidental arrival of the Gutenberg printing press to Goa in the year 1556 - the first of its kind in all of Asia. The primary goal of his publishing company is to democratise the production of knowledge. It argues that today, more than ever, Goa needs a voice to articulate its own priorities.

The editorial modulation of Goa,1556 is non-fiction writing related to Goa, with emphasis on books which "shed interesting new light on various aspects that help better understand the complex region called Goa."

The company’s name memorialises the date when the first printing press in Asia came into operation in Goa. Noronha says his company doesn’t seek profits but exists because “today, more than ever, Goa needs a voice to articulate its own priorities. Goa 1556 publishes a book almost every month. Launched on a rainy day (June 20, 2007), Goa, 1556 is a quest to do things differently, and with goals that are different. Our aim is to democratise the production of knowledge. In our own small, alternative way. And we strive for quality simply by laying down high standards, while actively pursuing the goal of creating space for ‘other voices’ to be heard.

Goa,1556 publishes E-Books and Books on these subjects: Young Adult, Women, Reference, Military, Literature, Literary Fiction, Literary Criticism, and Journalism in these languages: Portuguese, Spanish, and English


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Contacts [PubMails]:

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Corporate: For premium subscribers only
Editorial: For premium subscribers only
Submissions: For premium subscribers only
Rights: For premium subscribers only
Permissions: For premium subscribers only
Sales: For premium subscribers only

Mailing address

784, Near Lourdes Convent,

Phone number(s):
+ 91 9822122436, + 91 8322409490

PublishersGlobal is a free online information service for publishers and publishing service providers.

Goa,1556, Goa, Goa, India is just one of over 20,000 publishing company profiles in our database.

Goa,1556 is listed in the directory of publishers of India. You can find more such publishers from India here:
By subject: Young Adult publishers in India, Women publishers in India, Reference publishers in India, and Military publishers in India
By media: E-Book publishers in India and Book publishers in India
By language: Portuguese language publishers of India, Spanish language publishers of India, and English language publishers of India
By city: Goa, Goa
Some of the other prominent cities in India for which we have publishers in our database include: New Delhi, Delhi, and Chennai

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