Nonsuch Media Pte. Ltd. is an independent publisher base in Singapore. Our inclusive range of services provides an opportunity to anyone who wants to share their ideas with a global audience. We publish books and ebooks in multiple languages including English, Portuguese, and more.
Publisher profile: Nonsuch Media Pte. Ltd.
List of other Law publishers in Singapore
Here at Buckeye Publishing, we offer a range of services, from cover design to editing, PR, and more!
Publisher profile: Buckeye Publishing
List of other Law publishers in United States
Publisher specialized in law and economic sciences, with an extensive work catalogue. Our books are distributed in all Latin America.
Publisher profile: Valletta Ediciones Srl
List of other Law publishers in Argentina
India's leading law publisher in print and electronic media, with over 500 current titles. Global partnerships and branches in several Indian cities. Publishers of, Supreme Court Cases'. India's leading law report, now running into 250 vols.
Publisher profile: Eastern Book Company
List of other Law publishers in India
LEdizioni - Ledipublishing is a scholarly publisher, offering worldwide distribution services (Italy and abroad). Offers POD and online publishing services both to authors and other publishers.
Publisher profile: Ledizioni/LediPublishing
List of other Law publishers in Italy
Producing a wide assortment of legal guides for attorneys.
Publisher profile: Knowles Publishing
Discusses how laws apply to meetings and other events in all 50 states.
Publisher profile: Open Meeting Laws
Creating a platform to publish entrepreneur success stories. Availing the hardships & struggles faced by entrepreneurs. Also their success & achievements.
Publisher profile: Strive Business Magazine
List of other Law publishers in South Africa
L'éditeur du livre et de la revue juridiques en Belgique, membre du groupe de promotion internationale Law Publishers in Europe, diffuseur pour l'Europe de nombreux ouvrages étrangers. La société regroupe une maison d'édition et une librairie.
Publisher profile: Bruylant
List of other Law publishers in Belgium SRL manages three publishing houses: ePublishers, eLiteratura, and eDidactica. <br />All publications are in electronic format.
Publisher profile: SRL
List of other Law publishers in Romania