Established in 2005, we set out to create law books which are sufficiently high level to be of real use to the experienced professional, yet still accessible and easy to navigate. We are a division of Globe Business Publishing Ltd, based by Borough market in London and we focus in particular on f...
Publisher profile: Globe Law and Business
List of other Law publishers in United Kingdom
Der Verlag der besten Bildbände in Polen. Hauptthemen: Der Papst, Kultur, Poesie, Geschichte, Sachbücher. Die besten Autoren: Karol Wojtyla-Johannes Paul II, Adam Bujak, Arturo Mari, Der Nobelpreisträger Czeslaw Milosz, Marek Skwarnicki.
Publisher profile: Bialy Kruk
List of other Law publishers in Poland
Der Lexxion Verlag ist ein juristischer Fachverlag. Das Verlagsprogramn hat Schwerpunkte im Umwelt-, Immobilien-und Europarecht. Z.Zt. erscheinen acht Fachzeitschriften und jährlich ca. 35 Monographien.
Publisher profile: Lexxion Verlagsgesellschaft mbH
List of other Law publishers in Germany
we are one of the largest publishers of management and business books in India. we publish 100 new books every year and have pubished more than 1000 titles in the past 17 years. we have collaborations with most of the leading institutions in the country as well as a joint venture publishing and s...
Publisher profile: Excel Books
List of other Law publishers in India
An exclusive publisher of international legal materials produced for the Center for International Legal Studies.
Publisher profile: Yorkhill Law Publishing
A publisher of academic books in various fields with a concentration on law books.
Publisher profile: Dar Al-Thaqafa
journal-of-commercial-biotechnology_3d_200_206 The Journal of Commercial Biotechnology is a quarterly peer-reviewed professional journal which focuses on the commercial, legal, and regulatory issues affecting biotechnology, biopharmaceutical, agrochemical, and environmental companies.
Publisher profile: Journal of Commercial Biotechnology
List of other Law publishers in United States
Business Directory, Online CD & Print version of Jamal's Yellow Pages Phonebook Directory
Publisher profile: U.S. Publishers (pvt) Ltd.
List of other Law publishers in Pakistan
Hachette Antoine is a joint venture between international publishing leader Hachette Livre of France (founded 1826) and reputed Librairie Antoine of Lebanon (1933). Formed at the end of 2009, Hachette Antoine publishes school and extracurricular books in Arabic, French, and English as well as ori...
Publisher profile: Hachette Antoine
List of other Law publishers in Lebanon
Publishers of scholarly materials: religion, arts, law and human rights, history and botany; mostly on microform.
Publisher profile: IDC Publishers, Publisher of rare materials