Netherlands-based publisher of books in English and Dutch in the history of medicine and the history of science.
Publisher profile: Erasmus Publishing
Offers full service genealogy and family history book publishing in print and electronic format.
Publisher profile: We Make Books
Services include technical writing, creative fiction for multimedia projects, marketing, and electronic publishing. Includes a portfolio of their work and the history of the company and its name.
Publisher profile: Incan Monkey God Studios
Small press publisher of author-signed limited editions specializing in aviation history and the American West.
Publisher profile: Bear Wallow
Books on dealing with grief and illness. Also offers community action, and musical, nautical and military history books.
Publisher profile: Pathfinder Publishing
Publishers of military reference books including British Military Swords 1786-1912 An Illustrated Price Guide for Collectors and World Swords 1400-1945 An Illustrated Price Guide for Collectors
Publisher profile: Studio Jupiter Military Publishing
List of other History publishers in United Kingdom
Established in 1951, with the early purpose of providing foreign readers with books on Chinese history & culture. It's trying to develop a wide scope of titles while laying emphasis on social science, education, finance & investment, language learning & reference books.
Publisher profile: New World Press
List of other History publishers in China
DOBU publications ("Wissenschaftlicher Verlag Dokumentation & Buch") publishes scientific books, such as monografies, doctorate theses, habilitations and conference papers in different languages.
Publisher profile: DOBU Verlag
List of other History publishers in Germany
Publishes religious/spiritual books, tapes and cd-rom as well as on-line articles on Christian living, church history and doctrinal essays.
Publisher profile: Elijah Press
Publisher and packager of high quality illustrated books. We have world rights, film available, and will be selling English and foreign language co-editions. Rights and distribution inquiries are welcome.
Publisher profile: JG Press
List of other History publishers in United States