Publishers of books in civics, fiction(Cultural)reference books. offices in Ghana, Liberia and sierra Leone
Publisher profile: Adaex Educational Publications ltd
List of other History publishers in Ghana
Publisher of books and facsimiles of historical works on polar exploration, perspective, history of the Industrial Revolution and astronomy, biography and poetry.
Publisher profile: Erskine Press
Semi-official website showcasing Fred Hembeck's DC Universe cartoons as they appeared in the Daily Planet in the 1970's. Also includes commentary and history related to each strip.
Publisher profile: The Hembeck Files
After 46 years of existence, Verbo has concentrated its publications mainly in two areas: reference books (such as encyclopaedias, dictionaries and history compendiums) and books for young persons. University textbooks and essays are also worthy of mention.
Publisher profile: Editorial Verbo, S.A.
List of other History publishers in Portugal
Our topics are: Kabbalah, Alchemy, Freemasonry, Rosicrucian and surrounding topics!
Publisher profile: Giovanni Grippo Verlag
List of other History publishers in Germany
Publisher profile: Golden Marketing-Tehnicka Knjiga
List of other History publishers in Croatia
A leading publishing house in Pakistan, Qirtas Publishers have published more than 84 books in past 12 years. The famous books are, History of Ismailis (Truth Revealed), Mukhtar Saqafi, Differences of Sects etc.
Publisher profile: Qirtas Printers Publishers and Booksellers
List of other History publishers in Pakistan
Publishers and retailers of innovative new-media Scottish History products.
Publisher profile: Heehaw Publishing
Company of verbatim reportersalso offering audio, tape and digital transcription. Services, history and careers.
Publisher profile: W.B Gurney and Sons LLP