Publishes books with nature, outdoor recreation and popular history themes, including travel, hiking and fitness guides, gardening books, ghost stories, and biographies.
Publisher profile: Lone Pine Publishing
List of other History publishers in Canada
Archaeology, religion, ancient history, mathematics, classical studies, byzantium, modern history, philosophy, sociology, linguistic, publications.
Publisher profile: Institut du Livre A. Kardamitsa
List of other History publishers in Greece
Non-profit corporation consisting of Orthodox homeschooling families. Focus on historical narratives, Great Books adapted for children, and literature covering Early and Eastern Church history available by e-commerce.
Publisher profile: Paidea Classics
Founded 1977 Dergah Publishing Inc. is mainly based on cultural publishing. Encyclopedia of Turkish language and literature (8 vols.), Turkish classics, literary studies, poetry, narratives, novels, educational material, history studies etc.
Publisher profile: Dergah Yayinlari A.S.
List of other History publishers in Turkey
Éditeur indépendant ouvert aux textes d'auteurs de langue française ou étrangère dans des genres variés tels que le document, le témoignage, l'essai, l'histoire, la philosophie, la politique, les religions, la spiritualité, la théologie et la littérature.
Publisher profile: Editions Mols
List of other History publishers in Belgium
The Zalman Shazar Center is Israel's leading publisher in the field of Jewish History, fulfilling its goal of increasing the understanding of Jewish history and culture. Shazar has published more than 300 books, including scholarly works, school textbooks, biographies and historical novels.
Publisher profile: Zalman Shazar Center
List of other History publishers in Israel
design edit publish promote <br />20%-80% model and 50%-50% model
Publisher profile: Petra Books
List of other History publishers in Canada
Poiesis Editora was funded in 2007 with the purpose of bringing translations from others languages to Portuguese and vice-verse. We are focused on the Humanities, especially Philosophy, Education, Literature. But also Sociology, History and Anthropology.
Publisher profile: Poiesis Editora
List of other History publishers in Brazil
Publishing 20 books a year, Casemate is also the leading distributor of military history books in the USA.
Publisher profile: Casemate Publishers and Book Distributors, LLC
List of other History publishers in United States
Publisher profile: Feenixx Publishing, Inc.
List of other History publishers in United States