LEdizioni - Ledipublishing is a scholarly publisher, offering worldwide distribution services (Italy and abroad). Offers POD and online publishing services both to authors and other publishers.
Publisher profile: Ledizioni/LediPublishing
List of other History publishers in Italy
Primus Books has commissioned, and shall continue to do so in future, the best authors and works in critical, contemporary writings on South Asia that bridges trade and academic markets. Our current strength is in the fields of history, anthropology, politics and current affairs, Indo-Persian stu...
Publisher profile: Primus Books
List of other History publishers in India
Publishes slim, popular paperbacks on archaeology, history and related topics. Online catalogue.
Publisher profile: Shire Publications
MeterMorphosen - der Non-Book Verlag mit dem Historischen Zollstock präsentiert aussergewöhnliche Geschenkideen: Das Gemischte Doppel in drei Ausgaben, das ist ein Memospiel für Wortakrobaten, sowie das perfekte Wochenende, ein immerwährender Reisekalender. Außerdem: Nimm 3 - Rezeptsammlung von S...
Publisher profile: MeterMorphosen
List of other History publishers in Germany
Viena Edicions, founded in 1991, is an independent publishing house. We publish mainly in Catalan (and occassionally also in Spanish) about different subjects: Art and photography books, non-fiction books, cook books, history books and guides.
Publisher profile: Viena Edicions
List of other History publishers in Spain
The Lutterworth Press is one of the oldest independent British publishing houses. We have been trading since the late 18th Century, and have built up a worldwide reputation for publishing books of high quality by authors of distinction. Since 1984 it has been associated with James Clarke & Co., a...
Publisher profile: Lutterworth Press - James Clarke & Co.
List of other History publishers in United Kingdom
Creating a platform to publish entrepreneur success stories. Availing the hardships & struggles faced by entrepreneurs. Also their success & achievements.
Publisher profile: Strive Business Magazine
List of other History publishers in South Africa
Publishes the works of H. P. Lovecraft and other authors of the horror field; website includes history and an online catalogue.
Publisher profile: Necronomicon Press
Scholarly publisher of books mainly on Southeast and East Asia in history and the social sciences.
Publisher profile: NIAS Press
List of other History publishers in Denmark
The Gutenberg museum. Contains history, a time line, and background which includes the locations of the remaining 42 line bibles.
Publisher profile: Gutenberg Homepage