Publisher of scientific books/textbooks in the branches of technics, economics, art, architecture, computers, chemistry, physics, history of science. We publish in both print and electronic formats for the academic, college, scientific.
Publisher profile: Brno University of Technology Vutium Press
List of other History publishers in Czech Republic
Most authors face challenges to see their work in print. Zorba Publishers was set up to empower writers from all walks of life, such as trainers, teachers, engineers, doctors, professionals etc. and to enable them to publish their book.
Publisher profile: Zorba Publishers
List of other History publishers in India
Publishers of books on History, Indology, Religion-Philosophy (Buddhism, Hinduism, Islam, Sikhism, Jainism, Zoroastrianism), General, Travel, Architecture, Biographies, Gazetteers, Sanskrit texts, Anthropology (Tribes & Castes), Tibet etc. since 1989.
Publisher profile: Low Price Publications, Delhi
List of other History publishers in India
User-submitted stories and photographs from the era of hot metal. Also offers Downloads and a discussion forum.
Publisher profile: Metal Type
Founded in october 1995 Simonelli Editore from the beginning looked at the digital future of the publishing industry.
Publisher profile: Simonelli Editore srl
List of other History publishers in Italy
Philosophy, theories of knowledge, of history, of arts. History of culture. History of Hungary. International book-centre of humanities in Budapest: Atlantisz Book Island". International bookseller service."
Publisher profile: Atlantisz Publishing House
List of other History publishers in Hungary
Publishers & seller of Tamil books- Translations from popular English books are available. All books of Kannadasan, Osho, M.R.Kopmeyer, are available here.
Publisher profile: Kannadhasan Pathippagam
List of other History publishers in India
Books related to German Third Reich and US history with an emphasis on uniforms, medals, awards, organization and acoutrements.
Publisher profile: R. James Bender Publishing
Established in 1995, publisher of high quality fiction and non-fiction, both American and international. From short stories to social science, award-winning novels to American politics, foreign fiction to cutting-edge history and current affairs.
Publisher profile: Metropolitan Books (an imprint of Henry Holt)
List of other History publishers in United States
Nonsuch Media Pte. Ltd. is an independent publisher base in Singapore. Our inclusive range of services provides an opportunity to anyone who wants to share their ideas with a global audience. We publish books and ebooks in multiple languages including English, Portuguese, and more.
Publisher profile: Nonsuch Media Pte. Ltd.
List of other History publishers in Singapore