El título provisional de mi opúsculo es VENEZUELA XXI: La Revolución de la Estupidez (alrededor de 170 páginas, y 8 ilustraciones). Trata el tema de la estupidez (definida según la Real Academia) como una condición síquica que afecta gravemente el devenir histórico de Venezuela en el siglo XXI. O...
Publisher profile: Aguilar
List of other History publishers in Spain
Agora Books is an independent progressive/leftist publishing house, which is at the same instance the publisher of New Left Review besides many other authors such as Arundhati Roy, Tariq Ali, Noam Chomsky, Donna Haraway, Eric J. Hobsbawm, Robert Fisk, Fidel Castro, Mike Davis, John Berger, Jorge ...
Publisher profile: Agora Kitapligi Basim Yayim Ltd. Sti.
List of other History publishers in Turkey
Hachette Antoine is a joint venture between international publishing leader Hachette Livre of France (founded 1826) and reputed Librairie Antoine of Lebanon (1933). Formed at the end of 2009, Hachette Antoine publishes school and extracurricular books in Arabic, French, and English as well as ori...
Publisher profile: Hachette Antoine
List of other History publishers in Lebanon
Wilolud Journals publishes original research, theoretical or experimental, that is of scientific importance in areas of academic endeavors. Contributions are welcome from specialists in English, French, Spanish, Polish and Italian, and written in clear, correct, and concise language. Translation ...
Publisher profile: Wilolud Journals
List of other History publishers in Nigeria
Diversion Press publishes fiction and non-fiction. Visit our website and blog for details. www.diversionpress.blogspot.com <br />www.diversionpress.com <br />
Publisher profile: Diversion Press
We create and distribute : audiobooks, synchronized (text and audio) books and e-books.For CD we have a secondary website : www.voolume-livres-audio.fr -
Publisher profile: VOolume.fr
List of other History publishers in France
Publisher profile: Sentient Publications
List of other History publishers in United States
Publishers of urdu fiction, literature, illustrated english, and history books.
Publisher profile: Sang-e-Meel Publications
List of other History publishers in Pakistan
Publishers of Scholarly Reference books mainly in Social Sciences.
Publisher profile: Northern Book Centre
List of other History publishers in India
Publishers of scholarly materials: religion, arts, law and human rights, history and botany; mostly on microform.
Publisher profile: IDC Publishers, Publisher of rare materials