Ésquilo is an independent house that publishes books mainly in areas such as Philosophy, History, Espirituality, Psychology and Human Relations, mythical and historic fiction, new scientific paradigms, and other topics related to new century vision.
Publisher profile: Ésquilo
List of other Foreign language publishers in Portugal
Resources for teachers and students of French as a foreign Language : textbooks, video tapes, didactics, grammar books, cd-roms, interactive website with self-check exercises. Site in French.
Publisher profile: Les Editions Didier : French as Foreign Language
Sara Jordan Publishing is a recognized leader in the development of high quality educational materials. Since 1990, the company has been producing audio/book learning kits designed to improve literacy, numeracy, language skills (English, French, Spanish and Mandarin).
Publisher profile: Jordan Music Productions Inc./Sara Jordan Publishing
List of other Foreign language publishers in Canada
Marick Press publishes 6-8 titles annually in both hardcover and paperback covering a broad spectrum of topic that range from literary non-fiction, creative non-fiction, poetry, fiction and reprint of previously published titles.Marick Press is not-for-profit literary publisher, founded to preser...
Publisher profile: Marick Press
List of other Foreign language publishers in United States
Folio Publishers is the biggest Ukrainian publishing house. Established in 1991, Folio publishes classical and contemporary literature, fiction, educational and computer books in Russian and Ukrainian languages.
Publisher profile: Folio Publishers Ltd.
List of other Foreign language publishers in Ukraine
Publisher profile: Literatür Yayincilik Dagitim Paz. San. ve Tic. Ltd. Sti.
List of other Foreign language publishers in Turkey
Memoirs Books lead the way in publishing in the UK by helping authors develop and publish high-quality, saleable autobiography books. We offer exceptional editing, design, printing, publishing, distribution and book marketing services. The process starts with a free assessment of your manuscript.
Publisher profile: Memoirs Books Autobiography Publishers
List of other Foreign language publishers in United Kingdom
LLC is a non-governmental organisation established to ensure international recognition of and access to Latvian fiction, poetry, children's literature etc., supports the translation of Latvian literature in foreign languages and its publications abroad.
Publisher profile: Latvia Lettland
List of other Foreign language publishers in Latvia
We are a small, alternative book publishing venture located in Goa, India, a historic former Portuguese colony and currently the smallest State (province) in India. The company’s name memorialises the date when the first printing press in Asia came into operation in Goa.
Publisher profile: Goa,1556
List of other Foreign language publishers in India
Olympia publish Czech and foreign language publications and tourist guides, encyclopaedias, popular science books, fitness, sports and health literature, fiction books for children and young people.
Publisher profile: Olympia Publishing Inc.
List of other Foreign language publishers in Czech Republic