Publisher profile: Golden Marketing-Tehnicka Knjiga
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Publishers and distributors, since 1987. Publish high quanlity publications, authors from all over the world. Many of the books used by students as textbooks. Also publish reference books for research purposes.
Publisher profile: Overseas Press India Private Limited, Publishers and Distributors
List of other Finance publishers in India
Established in 1951, with the early purpose of providing foreign readers with books on Chinese history & culture. It's trying to develop a wide scope of titles while laying emphasis on social science, education, finance & investment, language learning & reference books.
Publisher profile: New World Press
List of other Finance publishers in China
The mission of the Balkans Free Press is to expand the body of knowledge by making publishing a means through which new information and knowledge can be shared worldwide. As an international publisher, the Balkans Free Press is your partner in making you a published author. We strive to build a l...
Publisher profile: The Balkans Free Press
List of other Finance publishers in Canada
Mark A. Stephens, Ltd. has been publishing tax services since our inception in 1972...current information at your fingertips when you need
Publisher profile: Mark A. Stephens, Ltd.
List of other Finance publishers in United States
Longueville has been a leader in self-publishing for nearly 20 years. We specialise in creating books for individuals, businesses, or associations with a story to tell – immortalise your story now. We are proudly a specialty publisher, now with offices in Sydney and New York.
Publisher profile: Longueville Media
List of other Finance publishers in Australia
GUP ist spezialisiert auf hochwertige wissenschaftliche Arbeiten in den Bereichen Geistes-und Sozialwissenschaften und Medizin. GUP bietet auch Print-on-Demand-, CD-ROM-und Internet-Publikationen an.
Publisher profile: German University Press (GUP) Baden-Baden
List of other Finance publishers in Germany
We are Publishers & Distributors of Reference & Academic books in the field of Social Science & Humanities and Science & Technology. We are Indian Publishers with International Quality.
Publisher profile: SBS Publishers & Distributors Pvt. Ltd.
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Jigsaw is a successful publishing company with a reputation for providing advertisers with unique opportunities to deliver their message effectively to a highly desirable and targeted audience through N.I.M 's(newspaper inserted magazines)
Publisher profile: Jigsaw
List of other Finance publishers in Canada
Der Frankfurt School Verlag bietet mit seinem Buch-und Veranstaltungsprogramm fundierte, praxisorientierte Fachinformationen zum Themenfeld,Finance & Management für jeden Informationsbedarf-vom Brancheneinsteiger bis hin zum Finanzexperten.
Publisher profile: Frankfurt School Verlag GmbH
List of other Finance publishers in Germany