About the Journal: <br />JMS focuses on detection of problems in Management and Science with innovatively and effectively using different theory and methods to resolve these problems, establishing a new theory and method through cooperative efforts facing the new issues in management and science....
Publisher profile: Journal of Mangement and Science
List of other Finance publishers in India
Multilanguage publisher specializing in technical/scientific books, also publishing other genres: fiction (SF, young adult, romance, satiric, historical), non-fiction (essays, how-to, guides).
Publisher profile: Infarom
List of other Finance publishers in Romania
Selling of leisure books, Rich line up in travel, parenting, health and finance books
Publisher profile: Sing Tao Publishing Ltd
List of other Finance publishers in Hong Kong
Macrojournals publishes professional/academic journals in the area of technology, applied science, health, medicine, energy, and broader sustainability.
Publisher profile: Macrojournals
List of other Finance publishers in United States
STYLOS ART was founded in 1991 in Novi Sad as a part of private company Stylos Group. Since then we have published more than 600 titles.
Publisher profile: Stylos Art
List of other Finance publishers in Serbia
Literally, Alethia means "state of not being hidden” or “state of being evident”. It is a Greek term for truth. Its evident that there is tremendous untapped talent in writing that remains unfound and needs to be explored. Alethia was established primarily with the intent to unearth the writing p...
Publisher profile: Alethia Publishing
List of other Finance publishers in India
Established in 1984, ZUP is a leading independent publisher in China. ZUP consistently works towards being an internationally-recognized publishing company, specializing in high-quality books, teaching materials, journals, audio and video publications and electronic publications. ZUP publishes bo...
Publisher profile: Zhejiang University Press Co., Ltd
List of other Finance publishers in China
Specializing in new unpublished authors. We're a small press, that treats you like family. UK authors welcomed.
Publisher profile: First Run Publishing
List of other Finance publishers in United States
Online B2B publications covering a wide spectrum of industries and sectors. Maxiom can design and develop a high quality online publication to suit any business or industry. Maxiom's services cover all your online marketing needs from concept design, branding, web design, marketing, advertising o...
Publisher profile: Maxiom Group
List of other Finance publishers in Australia
PRINTS INDIA over 4 decades has been most proliferate and resourceful source for Books, Journals, Serials, Newspapers, Magazines, Periodicals, current and archived in India. PRINTS INDIA has a track record of delivering exceptional customer service. Most trusted partners for sourcing indian publi...
Publisher profile: Prints India
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