Publisher of textbooks and journals for the academic and professional markets.
Publisher profile: Hodder Arnold
Carl-Huter-Verlag verlegt Werke von Carl Huter sowie Werke zur Psychophysiognomik und Kallisophie.
Publisher profile: Carl-Huter-Verlag GmbH
List of other Journal publishers in Switzerland
Publisher and distributor of books and periodicals at practical and policy levels on appropriate technology. International rural development, water and sanitation, agriculture, enterprise development, small scale construction and manufacture, energy.
Publisher profile: Practical Action Publishing
List of other Journal publishers in United Kingdom
TVP publishes advanced level research books and journals in mathematics and its applications. TVP-Interkniga provides distribution services in CIS for scientific/technical publishers.
Publisher profile: TVP Science Publishers
List of other Journal publishers in Russia
Interdisciplinary quarterly journal serving researchers, administrators, and practitioners from all disciplines.
Publisher profile: Brief Treatment and Crisis Intervention
Publisher of Academic Journals in Scientific, Technology, Education and Management areas.
Publisher profile: i-manager Publications
List of other Journal publishers in India
Faksimile-Ausgaben, Kunst-und Wissenschaftsgeschichte, Buch-und Bibliothekswesen, Kataloge, Archäologie, Mittelalter, Orientalistik, Sprachwissenschaft, Sprachlehrbücher, Musikwissenschaft.
Publisher profile: Dr. Ludwig Reichert Verlag
List of other Journal publishers in Germany
Sozialwissenschaften, Psychologie, Philosophie und das politische Sachbuch - und: 'Fliegende Wörter'- der außergewöhnliche Postkartenkalender mit 52 Qualitätsgedichten.
Publisher profile: Daedalus Verlag Joachim Herbst
List of other Journal publishers in Germany
The largest scientific publisher in the Russian Federation: 1500 new books and 155 titles of journals per year in Russian and foreign languages. Four branches in Moscow, Saint-Petersburg and Novosibirsk, 4 printshops, one bookselling firm (21 bookstores). Export company 'Nauka-Export'.
Publisher profile: Nauka Publishers
List of other Journal publishers in Russia
Jyllands-Postens Forlag: Books of high journalistic standard, focusing on business, debate, politics, and history.
Publisher profile: Jyllands Postens Forlag
List of other Journal publishers in Denmark