A unique range of titles to match the comprehensive scope of IUCN's work in conservation and sustainable development are available. Subject areas include species conservation, ecosystem management, environmental law, and protected areas.
Publisher profile: The International Union for Conservation of Nature - IUCN
The United Nations distribute information products related to its work. Reports, surveys and reference materials are published in book form or as machine readable media. Subjects: economics, environment, law, political and social science.
Publisher profile: United Nations Publications
Books and periodicals in medicine and public health. Features: World Health Reports, International Pharmacopoeia, International Health Regulations, International Statistical Classification of Disease and Related Health Problems, WHO Classification of Tumours, World Health Statistics. To achieve ...
Publisher profile: WHO Press - World Health Organization
IOM produces a large variety of publications in the field of migration policy and research, most of which can be downloaded free of charge from the IOM Online Bookstore.
Publisher profile: International Organization for Migration
120 years (2010) of medical and scientific publishing in basic and clinical science and medicine: 80 book titles/year, 44 book series, 82 journals, mostly English. Branch offices in GER, FR. JP, UK, USA, CHINA. Subsidiary: Karger Libri AG, int. subscription agency.
Publisher profile: S. Karger AG
Trans Tech Publications Ltd, www.ttp.net, founded in 1967, publishes monographs, series and journals in the fields of materials science and engineering.
Publisher profile: Trans Tech Publications Ltd.
Carl-Huter-Verlag verlegt Werke von Carl Huter sowie Werke zur Psychophysiognomik und Kallisophie.
Publisher profile: Carl-Huter-Verlag GmbH
Xanthippe Bücher hinterfragen vermeintliche Gewissheiten. Sie haben den journalistischen Biss, aber nicht die Aufgeregtheit des Tagesgeschäfts. Sie tragen Geschichten v. Menschen zusammen u. stellen diese in einen gesellschaftlich-politischen Zusammenhang.
Publisher profile: Xanthippe
Based in Zurich, Verlag Helvetica Chimica Acta has been publishing Helvetica Chimica Acta since 1917 - for many years one of the world's most renowned chemistry journals. As of January 2004, the company is also the publisher of the new journal, Chemistry & Biodiversity. Apart from these two journ...
Publisher profile: Verlag Helvetica Chimica Acta AG
Monatlich setzt 'du' einen kulturellen Schwerpunkt: Mit einem Thema aus Literatur, Kunst, Musik, Architektur, Zeitgeschehen, mit herausragenden Autoren, Fotografen, Künstlern unserer Gegenwart. Und einem ausführlichen Kulturjournal.
Publisher profile: du Verlags AG