Aarhus University Press is part of the Gazelle Book Services. Scholarly books and journals. Subjects: archaeology, classical studies, history, philosophy, social sciences, religion and botany.
Publisher profile: Aarhus University Press
Psychology, psychiatry, education, reference books, social science, social welfare, philosophy, psychological and educational text material, scientific journals. Member of European Test Publishers Group.
Publisher profile: Dansk Psykologisk Forlag Danish Psychological Publishers
Jyllands-Postens Forlag: Books of high journalistic standard, focusing on business, debate, politics, and history.
Publisher profile: Jyllands Postens Forlag
Scholarly publisher of monographs, e-books, series, and journals on topics within the humanities, social sciences and theology written mainly in English, French, German, Latin, Greek, and Scandinavian languages.
Publisher profile: Museum Tusculanum Press University of Copenhagen
Ekstra Bladets Forlag: Biographies of high journalistic standard, focusing on politics, crime, sports and music.
Publisher profile: Ekstra Bladets Forlag