Publisher of non-fiction books, specializing in foreign language & culture, religion, and memoirs.
Publisher profile: MSI Press
List of other Spanish language publishers in United States
Imports and distributes a wide range of books in the Spanish language as well as a growing assortment of children's books in 22 languages.
Publisher profile: Aims International Books
Libros del Zorzal was founded in 2000. Since then the independent publishing house Libros del Zorzal published more than 150 titles, principally essays (current affairs, literary, education) by Argentinian and foreign authors.
Publisher profile: Libros del Zorzal
List of other Spanish language publishers in Argentina
Publisher profile: Pòrtic
List of other Spanish language publishers in Spain
We offer editorial services to our clients, to express what they need to communicate, in a proper and impeccable manner through their documents.
Publisher profile: De Letreo Ediciones
List of other Spanish language publishers in Mexico
Dux is a Latin word that means guide or instigador. This one is the will of our project: to publish works of high intellectual interest directed to the general public, that invite reflection, debate and discernment.
Publisher profile: Dux Editorial, S.L.
List of other Spanish language publishers in Spain
News, sport and advertising for the Costa Blanca, Costa Calida, Costa de Almeria, and the Costa del Sol.
Publisher profile: Costa Blanca Leader
List of other Spanish language publishers in Spain
Grupo Ars XXI develops new publishing projects, books, journals and digital content aimed at health care professionals. Its brand Medillust manages 4.000 high quality medical illustrations. Anatomical atlases and illustrated works available for rights.
Publisher profile: Grupo Ars XXI de Comunicación-Medillust
List of other Spanish language publishers in Spain
Edicion completa de libros: Editar, diseñar, diagramar, impresion offset, encuadernado, cocido y pegado hotmeal.
Publisher profile: Gen&Des&Inn
List of other Spanish language publishers in Chile
Music publisher and independent record label. Specialized in different music styles, from alternative rock to soundtrack music, Italian music and many others. Also sub-publisher for the Italian territory for foreign catalogues.
Publisher profile: New Model Label
List of other Spanish language publishers in Italy