AHORA, Ediciones de Bibliofilia se creó en el año 2001 y ha publicado hasta el momento 15 libros de gran formato, 44 x 32 x 4?5 cms, con serigrafías originales firmadas por los artistas. El Ministerio de Cultura le ha concedido tres Premios Nacionales a los Libros Mejor Editados de Bibliofilia, P...
Publisher profile: AHORA, Ediciones de Bibliofilia
List of other Spanish language publishers in Spain
GeoPlaneta provides contents related to travel, tourism and cartography. Publishes travel guides, atlas and road maps.
Publisher profile: GeoPlaneta
List of other Spanish language publishers in Spain
Publishers of high quality non-fiction.
Publisher profile: Editorial Debate
List of other Spanish language publishers in Spain
Edimat libros is a firm that specializes in publishing children's and general interest books. It prints titles under two names: Edimat and Estudio Didáctico. Edimat focuses on popular titles for adults, with a variety of books in formats ranging from pocket to coffe-table books. Estudio Didáctico...
Publisher profile: Edimat Libros S.A.
List of other Spanish language publishers in Spain
Non-fiction-instant books and fiction publisher, specialised in publishing in Catalan language. Packager for all kind of publications.
Publisher profile: Criteria SCCL
List of other Spanish language publishers in Spain
ACV is to the creation and implementation of communications strategies, the development of original promotional products and the publishing of special trade and premium books.
Publisher profile: ACV Ediciones
List of other Spanish language publishers in Spain
Books published in the Basque country (Spain).
Publisher profile: Gremio de Editores de Euskadi
List of other Spanish language publishers in Spain
Corpus es una empresa dedicada a la edición y distribución de libros médicos, del área salud, cientificos y generales. Kinderbücher.
Publisher profile: Corpus Editorial y Distribuidora
List of other Spanish language publishers in Argentina
Publishers of atlases, charts, flip charts and displays in medicine.
Publisher profile: Anejo Producciones S A
List of other Spanish language publishers in Argentina
Leading Catalan reference publisher founded in 1963, specialized in encyclopaedias and reference works. It also publishes dictionaries, textbooks, maps, tourist guides, atlases and facsimile editions.
Publisher profile: Enciclopèdia Catalana SAU
List of other Spanish language publishers in Spain