Publishers of social sciences with specialized series for the academic and professional markets (economy, management, law, history, philosophy, geography, linguistics, communications, psychology and political science, education).
Publisher profile: Editorial Ariel
List of other Spanish language publishers in Spain
LED Edizioni Universitarie is an academic publisher in the Social sciences and Humanities. Born in 1991, LED has achieved a high standard of specialization in university research publications and textbooks.
Publisher profile: LED Edizioni Universitarie Srl
List of other Spanish language publishers in Italy
Publisher and distributor of books and periodicals at practical and policy levels on appropriate technology. International rural development, water and sanitation, agriculture, enterprise development, small scale construction and manufacture, energy.
Publisher profile: Practical Action Publishing
List of other Spanish language publishers in United Kingdom
Disponemos de más de 900 titulo en materia biblico teológica y de temática social y religiosa. Destacamos en la edición de Biblias, diccionarios, textos catequéticos y universitarios, libros de referencia en el pensamiento social y filosófico.
Publisher profile: Editorial Verbo Divino
List of other Spanish language publishers in Spain
Memoirs Books lead the way in publishing in the UK by helping authors develop and publish high-quality, saleable autobiography books. We offer exceptional editing, design, printing, publishing, distribution and book marketing services. The process starts with a free assessment of your manuscript.
Publisher profile: Memoirs Books Autobiography Publishers
List of other Spanish language publishers in United Kingdom
Fiction and non-fiction, art, biographies, children's books, illustrated and reference books, dictionaries and enciclopedias. Spanish and translated classics. Linguistics. Education. Books and material for learning Spanish as a foreign language.
Publisher profile: Espasa Calpe
List of other Spanish language publishers in Spain
Herder Editorial S.L., Barcelona-Bogota-Mexico. Established en 1943 in Barcelona. Primarely publishing in humanities, respected the last 50 years for the publication of the standard works of philosophy, theology and languages.
Publisher profile: Herder Editorial, S.L.
List of other Spanish language publishers in Spain
We are a small, alternative book publishing venture located in Goa, India, a historic former Portuguese colony and currently the smallest State (province) in India. The company’s name memorialises the date when the first printing press in Asia came into operation in Goa.
Publisher profile: Goa,1556
List of other Spanish language publishers in India
Publishing house devoted to maritime books.
Publisher profile: Editorial Noray S A
List of other Spanish language publishers in Spain
Vasz Books is a book publishing company. Vasz Books was founded in 2009, in New York, United States. We welcome and encourage first time and experienced authors from around the world to contact us and pursuit the possibilities of getting published with Vasz Books. The goal is to become a world cl...
Publisher profile: Vasz Books
List of other Spanish language publishers in United States