Italian Language Publishers

Listing 151 to 160 of 301 Italian langauge publishing companies

Page 16 of 31 of all the publishing houses listed in the directory of italian publishers. To view a list of italian langauge publishing companies by country please select a country.

These publishing firms publish a range of materials including Italian books, Italian e-books, Italian magazines, Italian newspapers...

il Saggiatore

Milano, Italy

Publisher of fiction modern classics, trade non-fiction in philosophy, history, social sciences, travel, popular science, illustrated books, both in hardback and paperback.

Publisher profile: il Saggiatore
List of other Italian language publishers in Italy

Kean Ghiero

Mi chiamo <br />Kean <br /> <br />Vorrei publicare un manoscritto di racconti e poesie in Italiano con la formula POD. <br />Vorrei registrare tutto il lavoro distribuirlo in rete. <br />vorrei un preventivo. <br />Grazie

Publisher profile: Kean Ghiero

Erga Edizioni Dal 1964

Genova, Italy

The Publishing house Erga Edizioni was founded in 1964 and it has already published about 1350 titles. It publishes the international magazine "LG argomenti" of literature for young people. We are specialized on the following subjects for young people and teachers: theater at school, opera for ch...

Publisher profile: Erga Edizioni Dal 1964
List of other Italian language publishers in Italy

Marco Tropea Editore

Milano, Italy

Publisher of foreign and Italian fiction and historical novels. The non-fiction titles cover politics, current events, history, social sciences and cultural studies.

Publisher profile: Marco Tropea Editore
List of other Italian language publishers in Italy

Carlo Delfino Editore

Sassari, Italy

The Carlo Delfino editore publishing house began its activities in 1980, with the publication of several anastatic reprints of works dealing with Sardinian archaeology.

Publisher profile: Carlo Delfino Editore
List of other Italian language publishers in Italy

Il Giornalino Periodici San Paolo s.r.l

Milano, Italy

Il Giornalino is one of Italy's most populr weekly magazines for children aged 8 to 13. Draw on the idea that learning can be fun using comics strips and creativity.

Publisher profile: Il Giornalino Periodici San Paolo s.r.l
List of other Italian language publishers in Italy

Poetry international

Publishing house, offering on its site international modern poetry from the world's best known and unknown poets in English, German, Spanish, French,Dutch, Italian and organizes an international poetry festival.

Publisher profile: Poetry international

Zoffoli s.r.l.

Poggio Berni, Italy

Zoffoli s.r.l. is working in the production of globes since the 1960, starting with the classic design and now also in the modern/geographic style. Zoffoli products are designed and entirely manufactured in our factory in Italy with all the passion and proud of the best hand-craft tradition suppo...

Publisher profile: Zoffoli s.r.l.
List of other Italian language publishers in Italy

Dami International

Milano, Italy

High-quality illustrated books for young children in a variety of novelty formats as well as characters for worldwide licensing and development.

Publisher profile: Dami International
List of other Italian language publishers in Italy

Stämpfli Verlag AG

Bern, Switzerland

Rechts-und Staatswissenschaft: Monografien, Buchreihen, Loseblattsammlungen, Zeitschriften, Sachbücher: Kunst, Bernensia, Geschichte, Zeitfragen.

Publisher profile: Stämpfli Verlag AG
List of other Italian language publishers in Switzerland

301 publishers in the the directory of italian langauge publishing companies

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