Our publishing house is engaged to spread significant words for helping and giving joy, especially in psychological, spiritual contents and themes about family and communication.
Publisher profile: Effatà Editrice
List of other Italian language publishers in Italy
Contemporary Art books. Catalogues and Artists' books, Essayes and Monographies
Publisher profile: a+mbookstore edizioni
List of other Italian language publishers in Italy
Architecture, art and archeology, catalogues of exhibitions, museums and galleries, lifestyle, history, coffee table books, nature, science, gardening, pets, collectable, travel guides, food and drinks, art and crafts, health, fitness, sport.
Publisher profile: Mondadori Electa SpA
List of other Italian language publishers in Italy
Nuages is a publisher specialised in illustration. The most important collections are: illustrated classics carnet de voyage - "Piccolo Principe" (for children).
Publisher profile: Edizioni Nuages
List of other Italian language publishers in Italy
Hamelin Cultural Association was founded in 1996 by Professor Antonio Faeti and a group of scholars specialising in children's literature at the University of Bologna. Hamelin's aim is to promote quality in contemporary children's literature, considering collectively literary texts, filmography, ...
Publisher profile: Hamelin Associazione Culturale
List of other Italian language publishers in Italy
Atlanten, Autokarten, Stadtpläne, Wanderkarten, Radkarten, Freizeitführer, Markiertafeln, Poster, Bürokarten, Wirtschaftspläne, Servicekarten, Specials, Werbemittel, Schreibunterlagen, Bücher, Kalender, Reliefkarten, Schulkarten, Geodaten, Multimedia, gegründet 1770.
Publisher profile: Freytag-Berndt und Artaria KG
List of other Italian language publishers in Austria
Italian publishers of Alan Ford in different formats. Previews, information on Alan Ford, the characters, videos and international rights. In English and Italian.
Publisher profile: Max Bunker Press
Normale Publications are created to be the meeting point of scientific activity and research of the Scuola Normale of Pisa and follow a long tradition in publishing developed in the 19th and 20th centuries.
Publisher profile: Scuola Normale Superiore Edizioni della Normale
List of other Italian language publishers in Italy
Foreign and Italian fiction, literary fiction, essays, poetry, literary criticism.
Publisher profile: Ugo Guanda Editore S.p.A.
List of other Italian language publishers in Italy
Publisher of illustrated books: Art monographs, catalogues of exhibitions, museums and galleries guides, photography, design.
Publisher profile: Silvana Editoriale S.p.A.
List of other Italian language publishers in Italy