German Language Publishers

Listing 31 to 40 of 970 German langauge publishing companies

Page 4 of 97 of all the publishing houses listed in the directory of german publishers. To view a list of german langauge publishing companies by country please select a country.

These publishing firms publish a range of materials including German books, German e-books, German magazines, German newspapers...

NOVO Argumente Verlag GmbH

Frankfurt, Germany

Argumente für den Fortschritt / Debattenmagazin

Publisher profile: NOVO Argumente Verlag GmbH
List of other German language publishers in Germany

O'Reilly Verlag GmbH


Subsidiary company of O'Reilly Media Inc, one of the world's leading computer and technical book publishers

Publisher profile: O'Reilly Verlag GmbH
List of other German language publishers in Germany

S. Karger AG

Basel, Switzerland

120 years (2010) of medical and scientific publishing in basic and clinical science and medicine: 80 book titles/year, 44 book series, 82 journals, mostly English. Branch offices in GER, FR. JP, UK, USA, CHINA. Subsidiary: Karger Libri AG, int. subscription agency.

Publisher profile: S. Karger AG
List of other German language publishers in Switzerland

Calambac Publishing House Germany


Calambac is a German publishing house for fiction and graphic literature based in Saarbrücken, Germany.

Publisher profile: Calambac Publishing House Germany
List of other German language publishers in Germany

Michael Müller Verlag GmbH

Erlangen, Germany

Aktuelle Reiseführer mit vielen praktischen Tipps zu Reisezielen in Europa, Nordafrika, Nord-und Südamerika, Neuseeland. Neu 2007: Neuseeland, New York, Adriaküste, Budapest, Canada der Westen, Hamburg, Slowakei, Südmarokko, München, Krakau, Ostfriesland.

Publisher profile: Michael Müller Verlag GmbH
List of other German language publishers in Germany

Audible GmbH

Munich, Germany ist das Internet-Portal für den Download von Hörbüchern, Audioversionen von Zeitungen und Zeitschriften und weiteren gesprochenen Inhalten.

Publisher profile: Audible GmbH
List of other German language publishers in Germany

Julia Krücken Ankerherz Verlag

Lüneburg, Germany

Gemeinschaftspräsentation einzelner Titel aus Klein-und Selbstverlagen.

Publisher profile: Julia Krücken Ankerherz Verlag
List of other German language publishers in Germany

Connection AG

Niedertaufkirchen, Germany

Das Magazin fürs Wesentliche. Essential living. Art of Life. Transrational und transcultural spirituality.

Publisher profile: Connection AG
List of other German language publishers in Germany

Éditions Jeannette Kibangu

Democratic Republic of the Congo

Fifi and Patou (and their dog Popo) enable children to learn different African languages through a series of stories, videos and activities.

Publisher profile: Éditions Jeannette Kibangu
List of other German language publishers in Democratic Republic of the Congo

The Pepin Press

Amsterdam, Netherlands

The Pepin Press are publishers of books and book and CD-ROM/DVD sets on graphic and textile design, ornament, pattern, web design, fashion, costume, jewellery and architecture. More specifically, our areas of interest are: books that contain visual resources and inspiration for artists and design...

Publisher profile: The Pepin Press
List of other German language publishers in Netherlands

970 publishers in the the directory of german langauge publishing companies

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