Argumente für den Fortschritt / Debattenmagazin
Publisher profile: NOVO Argumente Verlag GmbH
List of other German language publishers in Germany
Subsidiary company of O'Reilly Media Inc, one of the world's leading computer and technical book publishers
Publisher profile: O'Reilly Verlag GmbH
List of other German language publishers in Germany
120 years (2010) of medical and scientific publishing in basic and clinical science and medicine: 80 book titles/year, 44 book series, 82 journals, mostly English. Branch offices in GER, FR. JP, UK, USA, CHINA. Subsidiary: Karger Libri AG, int. subscription agency.
Publisher profile: S. Karger AG
List of other German language publishers in Switzerland
Calambac is a German publishing house for fiction and graphic literature based in Saarbrücken, Germany.
Publisher profile: Calambac Publishing House Germany
List of other German language publishers in Germany
Aktuelle Reiseführer mit vielen praktischen Tipps zu Reisezielen in Europa, Nordafrika, Nord-und Südamerika, Neuseeland. Neu 2007: Neuseeland, New York, Adriaküste, Budapest, Canada der Westen, Hamburg, Slowakei, Südmarokko, München, Krakau, Ostfriesland.
Publisher profile: Michael Müller Verlag GmbH
List of other German language publishers in Germany ist das Internet-Portal für den Download von Hörbüchern, Audioversionen von Zeitungen und Zeitschriften und weiteren gesprochenen Inhalten.
Publisher profile: Audible GmbH
List of other German language publishers in Germany
Gemeinschaftspräsentation einzelner Titel aus Klein-und Selbstverlagen.
Publisher profile: Julia Krücken Ankerherz Verlag
List of other German language publishers in Germany
Das Magazin fürs Wesentliche. Essential living. Art of Life. Transrational und transcultural spirituality.
Publisher profile: Connection AG
List of other German language publishers in Germany
Fifi and Patou (and their dog Popo) enable children to learn different African languages through a series of stories, videos and activities.
Publisher profile: Éditions Jeannette Kibangu
List of other German language publishers in Democratic Republic of the Congo
The Pepin Press are publishers of books and book and CD-ROM/DVD sets on graphic and textile design, ornament, pattern, web design, fashion, costume, jewellery and architecture. More specifically, our areas of interest are: books that contain visual resources and inspiration for artists and design...
Publisher profile: The Pepin Press
List of other German language publishers in Netherlands