German Language Publishers

Listing 21 to 30 of 970 German langauge publishing companies

Page 3 of 97 of all the publishing houses listed in the directory of german publishers. To view a list of german langauge publishing companies by country please select a country.

These publishing firms publish a range of materials including German books, German e-books, German magazines, German newspapers...

teNeues Publishing House

Augsburg, Germany

The teNeues Verlag, which was founded in 1931 by Dr. Heinz teNeues, founded in Krefeld, has been part of the Weltbild Group based in Augsburg since autumn 2020. Its sole shareholder is the family business Droege Group, an internationally active consulting and investment company based in Düsseldorf.

Publisher profile: teNeues Publishing House
List of other German language publishers in Germany


Bonn, Germany

Als Stiftung der Sozialen Demokratie publiziert die FES Bücher, Zeitschriften, Gutachten, Analysen und Einzelstudien zu nationalen und internationalen Problemen der Politik, Gesellschaft, Geschichte, Kultur, Ökologie, Wirtschaft, Wissenschaft und Medien.

Publisher profile: Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung
List of other German language publishers in Germany

Deutscher Taschenbuch Verlag GmbH & CO.KG

München, Germany

mit Dankbarkeit und Freude kann der Deutsche Taschenbuch Verlag auf über fünf Jahrzehnte zurückblicken: mit besonderer Dankbarkeit auf die elf Gründerverlage sowie seinen ersten Verleger Heinz Friedrich und den genialen Schweizer Graphiker Celestino Piatti, mit Freude, weil es dem dtv gelungen is...

Publisher profile: Deutscher Taschenbuch Verlag GmbH & CO.KG
List of other German language publishers in Germany

Cornelsen Verlag Scriptor GmbH & Co KG

Berlin, Germany

Studienbücher/Praxishilfen für Lehrer und Erzieherinnen. Lernhilfen/Übungshefte für GS, SEK I und SEK II, Vokabelkarteien, Nachschlagewerke für Schüler, Prüfungsvorbereitung. Praxisratgeber für Beruf/Karriere, Handbücher Wirtschaft, Fach-Wtb.

Publisher profile: Cornelsen Verlag Scriptor GmbH & Co KG
List of other German language publishers in Germany

Langenscheidt Kg

Munich, Germany

The Langenscheidt Publishing Group is one of the most internationally renowned and leading publishers in the field of Languages, Travel/Cartography brand Reference/German Language. Founded in 1856, it has become a group of brand names operating internationally with a network of companies in eleve...

Publisher profile: Langenscheidt Kg
List of other German language publishers in Germany

Magink Publishing House

Berlin, Germany

Magink Publishing House is a multinational independent publishing company based in Germany. We publish children's picture books for kids from baby to teenager. Magink children's picture books are available around the world, both in German and in the English language.

Publisher profile: Magink Publishing House
List of other German language publishers in Germany

Carlsen Verlag GmbH

Hamburg, Germany

Bilderbücher, Kinder-und Jugendbücher, Harry Potter, Beschäft gungsbücher, Sachbücher, Das Jahr im Bild". Taschenbücher.

Publisher profile: Carlsen Verlag GmbH
List of other German language publishers in Germany

TU Wien Academic Press


With TU Wien Academic Press, TU Wien Bibliothek has established the first Austrian open access publisher. It is operated as a non-profit institution. In the publishing house, e-books are published from the entire spectrum of subjects at TU Wien. The portfolio stretches from architecture to traffic,

Publisher profile: TU Wien Academic Press
List of other German language publishers in Austria

Focus Medica India Pvt Ltd

Bangalore, India

Focus Medica delivers innovative audio-visual titles in digital format such as 3D animated videos that simplify the understanding of health and medical concepts.

Publisher profile: Focus Medica India Pvt Ltd
List of other German language publishers in India

Cornelsen Verlag GmbH & Co OHG

Berlin, Germany

Fachbücher, Lern-und Lehrmittel für alle Schulformen und für die Erwachsenenbildung. Unterrichts-und Lern-software für alle Schulfächer von der Primarstufe bis zur Erwachsenenbildung, zum Üben und Lernen in der Schule und zu Hause.

Publisher profile: Cornelsen Verlag GmbH & Co OHG
List of other German language publishers in Germany

970 publishers in the the directory of german langauge publishing companies

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