Independent publishing house founded in New Zealand with both print and online titles, and the creator and licensor of the Lucire and Autocade brands.
Publisher profile: JY&A Media
List of other French language publishers in New Zealand
QuestFriendz is a STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) educational publisher, with storytelling and 21st century learning at the heart of every creation. We develop imaginative, interactive and innovative STEM books and toys for children.
Publisher profile: QuestFriendz
Dar Al-ahlia, is a top Lebanese publishing house (1976). Distributing over 1000 schools in Lebanon and the Arab world, it publishes school books in Arabic, French, and English that encompass mathematics, Arabic and French literature, history, geography, summer duty and story books and much more.
Publisher profile: DAR AL-AHLIA, maison d'edition
List of other French language publishers in Lebanon
At Cuberdon Books, we’re all about creating magic, and adventure for kids who are curious and want to discover the world. A wide scope of books for young kids is available for the international market!
Publisher profile: Cuberdon books
List of other French language publishers in Belgium
As part of our growth strategy for 2020, we are looking for writers of historical romance, historical fiction, contemporary romance, quirky romance, romantic suspense and romantic fiction of all types. It goes without saying the storylines must be commercial. See our submissions page for more detail
Publisher profile: Antonia Tingle
List of other French language publishers in United Kingdom
Basée à Wavre en Belgique, l'asbl Mabiki existe depuis le 21 septembre 2005. l'intégration citoyenne de personnes d'origine africaine en Belgique, la promotion des littératures africaines, l'amélioration du contenu de l'enseignement en
Publisher profile: Mabiki
List of other French language publishers in Belgium
Prabhat Prakashan, an ISO 9001:2015 certified company, is one of the leading publishing houses in India. We have a glorious history of sixty years of publishing quality books on almost all streams.
Publisher profile: Prabhat Prakashan Private Limited
List of other French language publishers in India
Hachette Education publishes in the following areas: pre-school, school, and University textbooks, home learning, dictionaries, technical and vocational titles. Teachers education and French as a foreign language.
Publisher profile: Hachette Education
List of other French language publishers in France
Since 1993 our high quality illustrated books and fiction have won a large readership and have acquired a worldwide notoriety.
Publisher profile: Editions Du Rouergue
List of other French language publishers in France
An educational and academic publisher in Dutch-speaking Belgium.
Publisher profile: Uitgeverij De Boeck (Member of Group De Boeck)
List of other French language publishers in Belgium