French Language Publishers

Listing 471 to 480 of 493 French langauge publishing companies

Page 48 of 50 of all the publishing houses listed in the directory of french publishers. To view a list of french langauge publishing companies by country please select a country.

These publishing firms publish a range of materials including French books, French e-books, French magazines, French newspapers...

Editions du Seuil

Paris, France

Romans, poésie, littérature générale, sciences humaines, histoire, essais politiques, économiques, scientifiques, biographies, témoignages/sagesses, société, livres pratiques, collections illustrées, co-éditions beaux livres, livres de poche.

Publisher profile: Editions du Seuil
List of other French language publishers in France

Editions Filipacchi

Levallois-Perret, France

Illustrated books, in particular with the magazines of Hachette Filipacchi Medias, first international publisher of press magazines. Albums on art, style, design, fashion, photography. Practical books and guides on cooking, travel, childcare, health.

Publisher profile: Editions Filipacchi
List of other French language publishers in France

Editions Glénat

Issy-Les-Moulineaux, France

Comics, children's books and press, coffee table books, mountain books, sea books. Editorial and foreign rights: 31-33, rue Ernest Renan, F-92130 Issy-Les-Moulineaux.

Publisher profile: Editions Glénat
List of other French language publishers in France

Editions Grasset et Fasquelle

Paris, France

Les Editions Grasset et Fasquelle éditent des ouvrages de littérature Française et étrangère, des essais et documents et des livres pour la jeunesse.

Publisher profile: Editions Grasset et Fasquelle
List of other French language publishers in France

Editions Hatier

Paris, France

Ouvrages scolaires, ouvrages para-sco-laires, matériels d'enseignement, livres pour la jeunesse.

Publisher profile: Editions Hatier
List of other French language publishers in France

Editions J'ai lu Part of the Flammarion Publishing Group

Paris, France

Editeur au format poche, J'ai lu publie 500 nouveautés par an en littérature générale, science fiction, policier, Pratique, sentimental, mangas. J'ai lu est également l'éditeur de la collection Librio.

Publisher profile: Editions J'ai lu Part of the Flammarion Publishing Group
List of other French language publishers in France

Editions la Table Ronde Quai Voltaire

Paris, France

French and International literature, essays...

Publisher profile: Editions la Table Ronde Quai Voltaire
List of other French language publishers in France

Editions Liana Levi

Paris, France

Littérature Française et étrangère, essais et histoire, romans policiers, guides, livres d'art.

Publisher profile: Editions Liana Levi
List of other French language publishers in France

Editions Mardaga

Wavre, Belgium

Editeur Spécialisé en psychologie et sciences humaines, architecture, urbanisme, partrimoine et beaux-ats, musicologie.

Publisher profile: Editions Mardaga
List of other French language publishers in Belgium

Editions Mengès / Sand

Paris, France

Beaux livres, histoire de l'art, biographies, documents, astrologie, ésotérisme, santé.

Publisher profile: Editions Mengès / Sand
List of other French language publishers in France

493 publishers in the the directory of french langauge publishing companies

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