Children's book publisher based in the UK. Specialise in animated interactiveCD-ROM and audio books at highly competitive prices.
Publisher profile: BK Books
List of other French language publishers in United Kingdom
Publisher of mass market children's books (board books, copy-to-colour books, activity books etc.). Wide range of low price books printed in international co-production.
Publisher profile: Caramel Editions
List of other French language publishers in Belgium
Christelle Le Ru is the author and publisher of a series of cookery books celebrating French cuisine.
Publisher profile: Christelle Le Ru Books
List of other French language publishers in New Zealand
Zeitgenössische Künstlerbücher mit Originalgraphik aus Deutschland und Frankreich (de Charmoy, Deisler, Dorny, Frydman, Heinz, Loubières, Müller-Reinhart, Roy, Schwarz, Souchière, Stein, Strugalla, Usus, Vinay, Vodaine, Wagner, Würth).
Publisher profile: Despalles, Editions
List of other French language publishers in France
Gemeinschaftspräsentation einzelner Titel aus Klein-und Selbstverlagen.
Publisher profile: Dr. Jürgen Hofmann-Grandmontagne Edition Schoeneck
List of other French language publishers in France
Editeur de livres pratiques illustrés pour adultes sur les thèmes suivants: cuisine, vin et autres boissons, jardinage, nature, chasse, pêche, animaux domestiques, aquariologie, équitation, décoration et beaux livres.
Publisher profile: Editions Artemis
List of other French language publishers in France
The Editions Beaumont publishing company offers a wide variety of fiction and non-fiction books for children aged from 1 to 10.
Publisher profile: Editions Beaumont
List of other French language publishers in France
Livres d'art et de références, annuaires, livres pour collectionneurs, peinture, mobilier, sculpture, faience, porcelaine, antiquités, bandes dessinées, cinéma, archéologie, cartes postales, etc.
Publisher profile: Editions de I'Amateur
List of other French language publishers in France
French publishers of alternative und holistic health, esoteric, religion, sexuality, science, psychology, tarot, divination und new age titles.
Publisher profile: Editions de la Maisnie
List of other French language publishers in France
Romans, littérature générale, essais littéraires, biographies littéraires/témoignages.
Publisher profile: Editions de l'Olivier
List of other French language publishers in France