Mass market publishers of children's books. Our range includes fairy tales, sticker books, activity books, board books etc.
Publisher profile: Grafalco Ediciones S.L.
List of other French language publishers in Spain
Literature, graphic novels, history (,,Daily life" series), social sciences , politics, current events, psychology/psychoanalysis.
Publisher profile: Hachette Littératures
List of other French language publishers in France
Worldwide exclusive owner for the PATAMUSE" character of the well known Belgian Author Mumu S'amuse."
Publisher profile: Henri Bosse Edition
List of other French language publishers in Belgium
Le Grand Miroir is a literary space where genres meet and interact with one another, where writings confront each other, and where authors write their texts in the language of today.
Publisher profile: Le Grand Miroir
List of other French language publishers in Belgium
Les editions de l'arbre is a joung publisher specialist in historic biography, people and VIP biography interessing everyone.
Publisher profile: les éditions de l'arbre Nostalgia editions
List of other French language publishers in Belgium
Publisher profile: Les Editions Du Mouton Cerise
List of other French language publishers in France
Founded in 1985, it is a Canadian society for reproduction rights of authors, composers, publishers of musical works and visual artists. The site is available in both French and English.
Publisher profile: SODRAC
Founded in 1985 les éditions XYZ is awel known publishing company in litterature. It publish 25 new titles a year
Publisher profile: Les éditions XYZ
List of other French language publishers in Canada
favoriser l’édition d’un maximum d’œuvres de qualité, mettre toutes ses compétences et autres ressources disponibles au service de l’auteur pour conclure une entente visant une publication à responsabilité partagée.
Publisher profile: Les Presses de Nouvelle-France
List of other French language publishers in Canada
Publishers of Books and Digital Media
Publisher profile: Creative Storytellers
List of other French language publishers in Netherlands